April 26th, 2012 at 06:32 pm
Want to see a front yard makeover from The Frugal Artisan? This is not HGTV please, but more of a non-commercial reality show. My last blog was about landscaping without grass, and bringing in natives. So without further ado, roll em....
The Right Bank (as opposed to the Left Bank)

Facing the house, grass was taken out of the center of the front yard right bank. A strip of grass was left next to the driveway for entering/exiting autos cleanly. Using a hand shovel and rocks from elsewhere in the yard, the right bank now has a meandering rock swale through the middle. The rock swale will move ponded water (from the upper end near the wood gate) down through the property.
From top to bottom of swale:
- ceanothus concha (left, in pot on the driveway) will go in next to the upper end of the creek. Will be 6-8 feet tall and wide. Purposely large to screen the gate and house exterior. Deep purple lilac in spring/summer.
- Sage penstemon margarita BOP (right, mid way in small pot on the dirt). This is a hummingbird bush! Purple blooms. Low to ground bush, about 2' high x 4' wide.
- Matilija poppy (left, planted). You've seen it and probably thought it as the 'fried egg' flower. BIG white crepe paper petals with the yellow fuzzy middle. Scraggly kind of bush which can get BIG.
- Lavendar (right, planted). Not pointed out on the photo, but there are two tiny lavendar plants foreground in the soil. I hope they get at least moderate in size.
I want to cover all the soil so it doesn't show (or will cover with wood chips if I have to). So left to do is a few starters of groundcover, probably a flowering (native) purple verbena that attracts butterflies. I also had some wildflower seeds saved for years from handouts at nature conferences and events. So I raked them in willy nilly. If they are too old I'll still be pleased if only a few sprout.
And must relocate a pink rose to the left and near the front (by the sidewalk).
So are you interested in costs?
$ 19.00 Ceanothus
3.50 penstemon margarita
12.00 Matilija poppy
0.00 lavendar
0.00 rocks
0.00 wildflower seeds
0.00 wood chips (if needed)
7.00 ground cover starters (estimated)
$ 41.50
SWEET! Come back and see pics in 2 years as this is going to be a jungle! Just kidding, I am good with trimming and maintenance.
Coming soon 'The Left Bank - Edibles are Us'.
Posted in
April 25th, 2012 at 04:49 pm
Was it doldrums? A desire for nicer curb appeal? Why are we taking out the perfectly good grass in the front yard? It's a small area (probably two pieces about 10' x 20' each split by a concrete driveway). But in decent condition and comparable to the others in the neighborhood.
Not that we have a set plan or schedule for equipping the house with environmental features, but my husband and I seem to tend toward it. Ticking off the list already:
o Last year the solar panels went onto the roof
o Long term yard waste and worm bin composters
o Backyard and green house food producing
o Under sink on demand hot water (electric)
o Ultra low flow toilets
o a couple rain barrels at the gutters
o backyard full of native plant species
The tipping point was that drainage from the back to front of the lot is getting worse and big pools formed when it rains in the walkways. A little digging and installing a rock swale in both flow paths would send water along better.
So out with the grass and in with the swales. We already have big river rocks (from the soil and yard when we moved in). Previously around a group of 4 rose bushes, they got reassigned.
Cost nothing yet. But wait! My DH really had a larger vision to naturalize the front anyway. He (rightly) wanted to use some of the space for edibles. Whatever space remained would be natives with a goal of not watering anymore.
It's taken me some years, but what used to be coastal sage brush blobs to me are now wonderfully scented sages and wildflowers that go dormant/bloom following the seasons. And I see the contribution to wildlife, not only hummingbirds and butterflies.
So I get to do the natives! The first thing I am going to put in is a Matilija Poppy, that BIG white flower with the crepe paper texture petals. It is a scraggly sort of bush, but I've always adored the flower.

Next will be a ceanothus bush (small dark green leaf and purple lilac flower), there are many types and this one is local:

I'm already patronizing the local native plant nursery, they have loads of expertise. I am thinking of some small hummingbird penstemon or butterfly flowers. That's about all the room I have.
The only other issue is that I really love having cut flowers for inside (and almost NEVER buy flowers just for that reason). So the roses get relocated and I may put in some bulbs next fall.
In progress photos to follow!
Posted in
April 23rd, 2012 at 07:21 pm
I love my online shop but it can be a confidence whittling, time draining enterprise periodically. I worked hard that first couple years getting Pretty Cheap Jewelry high on the google (and search engine) returns. During that time I must have been doing something right because I made enough income to at least pay for my expenses.
It was an endurance test, though, waiting a month between selling one thing (sometimes longer). Was my stuff ugly? The word 'cheap' a turn off? Or was there just too much competition?
I hung in there and managed my supplies carefully so I could buy a pop up tent with earnings and dive headfirst into live person events the next couple years. Jewelry without doubt, sells better in person. After investing lots of weekend time, my daughter was heard to say more than once, "You're busy again?!" or "stay home this weekend and help me with homework". So once again I reevaluated and made adjustments to the business practices and picked very carefully which events would be more successful with less time commitment for me.
So it was SUCH a pleasure that this Sunday I had very good sales out front of my local art gallery in the harbor. Even though it was cool and foggy.
It was a low-key, informal display which I made recycled guitar string bracelets (it was Earth Day after all).
I brought a few different things such as the funny collage cards (made from magazines and catalogs) and silk mini-bags (made from retired neckties). It was Earth Day after all.
Why these silk mini bags don't get much attention on line is a mystery. Maybe folks aren't looking for them? Because in person they were the most popular thing to see on Sunday! Everyone from grandma's to kids took a look. Two were sold, and a shop owner from a new boutique in town asked me to bring some for selling!!
Silk Mini Bag - Diagonal Stripe
Perfectly fits a cell phone, driver license, or gift card. Pure silk, with shoulder cord.

This is the kind of day that gives me a shot in the arm! Though I remind myself often this is a fun sideline it's also a great feeling when the income comes in (not to mention the amazing tax relief from having a home business.)
Thanks for having a read !
Posted in
April 22nd, 2012 at 02:10 am
Track and field volunteering today, so high jumping came to mind. But really it was just a funny thing that happened on the way to the thrift store...
I had a big bag of boys clothes to drop off at the end of the day. And decided to stop in before going home to the hubbub. Ticked off in my mind what the 'need' list was and remembered a cozy very casual sweatshirt would bring utmost happiness. (My current favorite has been sewed up once already).
It always cracks me up, the thrift stores have sales! Today it was 10 clothes for $10. OK, not bad! But you had to buy 10 to get the discount. I went in and looked for the perfect sweatshirt. Found a really nice cashmere top by Juicy Couture (though I don't follow labels, am sure this is good quality). And a fairly good but cozy sweatshirt. And one or two other decent tops for work. Nothing in the interesting blouse section or comfortable pant area.
The manager made an announcement the store was closing in 1/2 hour.
I noticed at least 3 or 4 other ladies doing speed shopping to get up to 10 items. I considered bailing out on the deal cause I really didn't want ten new things. I had 5 and though I looked fast and thoroughly didn't even find 5 more things that were worth it.
Then a little flash of brilliance happened. I snuck a look at the cool lady near me and saw she needed a few more things. So I asked.
"Do you want to get 5 things and I'll get 5 things and we'll pay together?"
The lightbulb went off in her head too! YES of course!
So how fun is that!?
Just one more good thing to chalk up this weekend. Bleached my kitchen counter grout and cut the backyard grass. Feeling happy all around!
Tomorrow is Earth Day in Action! I'm doing a recycled guitar string bracelet demo at our harbor art gallery. Here is one available for purchase if you want to make that environmental statement on your arm!
Blue and Gold
Recycled guitar string makes this bracelet unusual and interesting. I always get comments when wearing around town. This one is perfect with jeans and everyday with turquoise, black pearl, ivory pearl and gold matte glass.

More photos and details
Text is HERE and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/91825302/guitar-string-bracelet-blue-and-gold?ga_search_query=guitar%2Bstring&ga_search_type=user_shop_ttt_id_5125073 HERE
Thanks for your time and tweets and good weekend everyone!
Posted in
April 18th, 2012 at 09:25 pm
Other crafting and sewing in progress:
Figure Skate Outfit
An experienced seamstress did the outfit, I am adding glue on crystals at the straps and skirt. The swarovski crystals are a very large part of the cost of these outfits (about 1/2).

There are 24 crystals each strap (back not shown), 66 crystals on the skirt.
With the scraps from the skirt I am making a hair band to match.
Am posting this so I can show the craft forum on craigslist (who helped with advice how to attach the crystals).
Posted in
April 18th, 2012 at 04:27 pm
So happy that I was picked to make a pair of sterling silver freshwater pearl spray earrings by special order this past week. How a newcomer found me on Etsy I'm not sure (sometimes I ask, but not this time). We emailed back and forth and settled on a description and specifics of what she wanted. I sent her this sketch so we were both clear-

One of the supplies was to be sterling silver chain and there is a bead store a few blocks from work. I routinely walk over there at lunch (though I try not to enter unless I have a definite item and budget with me). Their chain is very reasonably priced, and a certain one which would fit was 6" for $6. I didn't purchase, but would use the information to prepare the cost estimate.
Another part I needed were white rice freshwater pearls which I had no inventory on hand. I was happy to see Michael's had what I needed and since they were minimal investment and useful for future work, I bought them. And of course I saved half using a coupon. Finally were the sterling silver french ear hooks, which I did have on hand in my stock.
With these supplies and costs known, I proposed to the customer a final price of $18 plus shipping.
She accepted! Her online name is CreepyGirl
They in fact are done but I need to take good photos and put for sale in my Etsy store. Will do so tonight or tomorrow, come back and see!
Posted in
April 12th, 2012 at 06:26 pm
Oh so retro! Do you wander those collectible malls? Most of the time I am not much interested, so much of it is just STUFF (and I am kind of anti stuff). But instead of buying new there is something to be gained buying an old frame or mirror or funnel or fur collar that has stood the test of time.
Anyway, there is a fairly high demand for vintage. It sells well on Etsy (it's supposed to be used for recycling into something new as a supply on that site).
Here is a treasury of vintage things using my earrings (second row, last box) as the starting point. It is another entry in a contest this week of treasuries that start with my earrings. I have to pick a favorite by Friday! Want to recommend your choice? See a few other entries in my past 3 blog posts.
Move Over Gucci, Make Room for Rhett
Love the Adolfo (and a good price), but the Chanel?! Anyway, I'm always impressed by the photo quality of the sellers.

Get a closer look at the stuff
Text is here and Link is http://www.etsy.com/treasury/MTk5MTIwODh8MjcyMDEwODU4Nw/a-haute-couture?index=0 here
Posted in
April 11th, 2012 at 04:59 pm
My on line wire artist team is featuring one of my handmade earrings this week in etsy treasuries. A treasury is a grouping of 16 things, usually with a theme such as color or subject.
It's been fun seeing the different ways people take this contest starting with my earrings. At the end of the week I have to pick a favorite! Help!!
Here are 2 more of the treasuries (see my previous posts for others):
Big Honey
This one plays up the gold color (my earrings are the first item), click Text is here and Link is http://www.etsy.com/treasury/NjE3MTM1MnwyNzIyNjY0Mjg2/wired-challenge-3?index=3 here to see it closer. That last necklace is an artful bargain.
Over the Rainbow
This one picks up the color variety in my earrings (2nd item), click Text is here and Link is http://www.etsy.com/treasury/MTc1NjIzMzB8MjcyMjY2NTc4NA/so-many-colors?index=1 here to see each thing closer. The crayon photo is inventive (but expensive), but the housing photo is pleasing and a great price.
Hope you are enjoying watching this contest!
Posted in
April 10th, 2012 at 05:09 pm
This week a pair of earrings I designed and made is being shown in each Etsy treasury made by fellow wire artists on line. A treasury is a pretty show of 16 handmade things from other sellers on Etsy. Usually a treasury has a theme, such as color or subject. They are popular with visitors to the site, the very best gets on the Etsy front page (which gets hundreds and hundreds of clicks each day). Extremely sought after, being on the FP is how OhioArt feels after a presidential candidate held up an Etch A Sketch on television.
Here is one of the nicer treasuries with my earrings (2nd row, third item) so far this week:

The orange and aqua tie it together. Even the VW bus photo fits in great!
You can come in and click around on this treasury, and thousands of others (not by the wire artists)
Text is HERE and Link is http://www.etsy.com/treasury/NTU5NDEzNHwyNzEyOTU0NDYz/caribbean-queen HERE
Thanks for the time and the reading!
Posted in
April 9th, 2012 at 05:26 pm
Bird's nests have a universal appeal. Women love them simply for the nurturing aspect, guys admire the effort made by the creature. When my daughter was very young, e.g. before 5 years old, she delighted in spotting nests otherwise overlooked by the rest of us. She was good at this and we marveled often at her good eye and the nests. Since we have an animal friendly back yard (lots of native trees for habitat and food) the occasional one would fall and she would keep it for awhile.
At least 3 years ago, bird nest jewelry was popular in the crafting world. I loved the look but didn't pursue trying to make my own. But I never forgot and have come round to adding it to my repertoire.
Bird Nest Earrings
Simple and natural, bird nest earrings are a symbol of spring. Pure white or unusual black pearls are nestled in silver colored wire. Lots of color possibilities, imagine little turquoise 'robin eggs'!

Bird nest earrings to be offered to email subscribers only (sign up left sidebar) at an introductory price of $7.50 pair. Matching bird nest earring/necklace sets to come soon!
Posted in
April 6th, 2012 at 04:14 pm
As one of the participants quipped upon reluctantly joining the fun, "worried cause I have a big pool of spending money", I am going to pass on tracking daily spending in April. Not that I have a big pool of money, but because I want to use this blog more for my small business (not family) life.
But questions:
How does the challenge compare for a person spending on oneself with a person spending with kids involved (such as myself)?
How would it work for spending when there is a spouse in the picture?
For example: this week I've made purchases something to the effect
Small Busin - Tues $1.60 Jewelry Supplies
All Purpose - Weds $39.00 Gas
Kid's Friend- Thur $21.00 Dinner Out for kid and her friend
Kid or Me(?)- next week redeem a coupon for $20 (but spend $20) at Old Navy
In the meantime watch for a new style coming from my jewelry bench (bird nest theme).
Here are a couple photos of a mosaic style cuff I recently completed. I love this style and predict it will be a new trend. Easy to adapt to pendants and earrings (and you can be sure there will be both here soon)!
Mosaic Pearl Cuff
Great mix of pearl, stone and glass are wired into a nice quality elegant bracelet. Any color scheme is possible! Shown (top to bottom): white orange pop, blues

Posted in
April 4th, 2012 at 07:51 pm
Following up to a story I wrote about a week ago involving taking my own advice on buying good used late model electronics: the iPod Touch arrived and is completely satisfactory. Whew!
I normally peruse Craig's list when considering something technical and buying the brand new item is not acceptable. With Craig's I've had good experience obtaining a couple digital cameras, selling a pellet rifle, etc. With some advance research online as to what appurtenances are necessary (software? cables? batteries?) and meeting the seller in person, the risk is very low.
This time we were interested in an iPod touch. Very expensive new, and which hold a very high value even used. So I took a chance and checked eBay. These thingy's are still a premium, lots of bidders but also lots of choices. I went for a 1 year old device from a small computer refurbishing biz. The seller responded to my questions within a couple hours and all seemed to check out ok. So I held my breath and bid the last 30 seconds at about half the price of new. Won!
It came at the beginning of the week and glad to report all is well. But the risk still makes me nervous and I'm not buying anything else anytime soon.
Here's another really good deal, new work off my jewelry bench...
Pastel Pearl Mosaic Cuff Bracelet
The wire mosaic look is the new trend (I predict) and I love the color mix on this cuff.

Original and affordable, see Text is here and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/96566370/pearl-bracelet-cuff-mosaic-in-peach-mint here for more details. A great deal for $35.00
Two other cuffs available (not shown): blue ; red/white/orange pop
Thanks for reading!
Posted in
March 27th, 2012 at 10:29 pm
What would you say to someone with a 10 year old desktop computer ; who tuned the system about 8 months ago and added memory but which is already 95% maxed out on disk space. The equipment runs fine, but slow. It serves at least 2 people in the household and a small biz.
"Get rid of it at the next electronic recycle roundup, it's worthless and impossibly outdated."
How many of you would say that? raise your hand, be honest.
No. I resist that very typical response. I am so exasperated with the digital culture of 'upgrade/out with the old/in with the new' every few years. Not just being a frugal person, this cycle is SO BLEEPING environmentally destructive.
Shouldn't computer equipment be treated like a car? I don't replace my cars every few years ; I drive my autos their FULL life. Until the repair is more costly than the replacement (with special consideration for fuel costs). We picked very economical vehicles way back when to serve our daily needs for many years to come.
I am mad the same philosophy seems to be irrelevant for computers. Bah.
The computer is a Dell ca. 2000 which was passed down to me free. I put about $180 into the tune and memory card last summer. All's fine, but there is no avoiding either adding memory once again or getting a new faster beefier computer (probably laptop). An egregious crash shall be avoided.
I am relieved the cost of a good laptop is so reasonable. And am encouraged by finding LOTS of information on where/how to refurbish and GIVE your old computer to a worthy cause. More details on that next posts.
For now, let me leave with a little upbeat offer:
Receive any silk mini bag at Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is http://www.prettycheapjewelry.com Pretty Cheap Jewelry free with purchase of this hand knotted pearl bracelet. Just ask for the mini bag at checkout (no need to add it to your cart).

Fancy freshwater pearls make this bracelet highly affordable. Pink sparkling crystals are just what a girl loves. Are you listening Easter Bunny?
More photos and details Text is here and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/88912936/pearl-bracelet-knotted-with-pink here
Thanks for reading!
Posted in
March 26th, 2012 at 10:03 pm
Last holiday season I blogged a few times of ways to save money on gifts. One of the techniques I emphasized was taking advantage of craig's list for almost new electronics. To be found are cameras, game systems, all manner of digital gadgets. Therein lies the perfect answer to your needs so long as you research online before buying (such as on cnet.org), ask the right questions (what does it not include) and exercise good judgement with respect to the seller (judge for honesty).
In fact, I've bought and sold on craig's myself: airsoft rifle, digital cameras, basketball hoop, and more.
At that time I sought to satisfy the male types in my life. But it turns out the digital phase is entering the female types around here.
The item wished for happened to be an iPod Touch. Now these are nifty little things, somewhere above a handheld game console, but a notch down from a tablet. A bit indulgent, for sure, but not without educational advantages (internet access in any free WiFi zone). The new ones (now on its 4th version) are about $200. WHOA. No way jose, that's half the cost of a complete laptop.
The wishful young person in this story was saving aggressively toward that goal. And doing a commendable job. But I did not approve. So I explored what was available un-new but that completely fulfilled the need.
Not easy, it seems the iPod Touch's are very hot. In search of a good buy, we had to visit ebay. WHOA again. Intense bidding. But lots of choices, such as: some damaged items, some sold refurbished with warranties, some sold by first owner no returns, etc. We zeroed in on a version 3, with a 30 day return allowed from a computer biz. And let the bidding begin!
Anyone else bid on ebay before? If it is a highly desired item, the bidding will be fast and furious the last 1 MINUTE. Yes, I pounced on the keyboard at the last 30 seconds and won. Our final price was about 1/2 the cost of a new one.
Now awaiting delivery. Return here to find out if the purchase was a smart move!
In the meantime, check out the paper, glue and scissors creations from my work bench.
Not Your Usual Collage
Funny, clever, sassy, but never rude. Cards with a big idea, at a small price. Two new ones (special order only).

You Are Perfect

FUN TRIVIA Q: Who's hair do you think that is at the bottom of the 2nd card?
Posted in
March 23rd, 2012 at 04:29 pm
So those outlet mall, discount rack, sale tennis shoes fit me and my spending pattern perfectly! I don't need anything more than an everyday walking / once a week aerobic shoe. No fancy weird soles, no basketball jumping, fashion be gone. But do you suppose those seconds, on sale, leftover pairs are that way because of undiscovered squeaks?
My recent pair got so noisy the husband started calling me ducky. But I found out how to solve it and be quack free! Cheap ... I mean CHEEP!
Here's the secret:
Remove the insert and pour in some baby powder. It worked for me! After about a day squeaks were gone. Though I detect an attempt of tiny returning squeaks, I will simply re - powder!
Anyone else knew about this?
Here's another inexpensive idea ~ put a little chocolate egg, or a small bag of jelly bellies in this spring colored pouch for your Easter gifting.
Pure Silk Mini Bag
Fits a cell phone, gift card, or just the bare essentials perfectly. And better yet, it's light on the environment! Made from a fine retired men's necktie, comes with a shoulder length satin cord strap. A great value for delighting a young fashionable girl. Only $6.50. More details Text is here and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/93499557/silk-mini-pouch-diagonal-stripe-daddys here and more silk mini-bag choices at Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is http://www.prettycheapjewelry.com Pretty Cheap Jewelry.
Posted in
March 21st, 2012 at 05:12 pm
The good news: another pair of earrings sold in the main art gallery recently! The bad news: the association is struggling financially (due to a year of poor management of a no-longer employed staff director plus lower than normal sales and other significant issues).
Double Pearl Curling Earrings - SOLD

I'm fighting feelings of bad morale after attending the association board meeting. They are reasonably smart (a great treasurer and great president for example) and not downbeat. But it's hard to solve the problems at hand and GET BACK ON TRACK! I have good income through them, and promise myself to hang in there another year (july 2012-july 2013).
So am counting my recent successes:
Finished: 2 pair white on white gloves, 1 pair white on black gloves, 1 pair white on red gloves, a pair of red on black gloves, and 4 pair scrunchy mid arm gloves. Getting stocked for Aug and fall ice events.
Finished: 3 sets of 4 strand necklace / earrings sets
One set is going to a gallery show in April and will be promoted for Mother's Day gifts. They decided to allow items such as jewelry that could be hung-

Idea: I have a new original earring style to produce (no pictures yet, come back soon!). And since good original ideas are one of the hardest things to get, I'm HAPPY!!
keep reminding me, ok?
Posted in
March 19th, 2012 at 08:44 pm
When did that phrase 'There's no such thing as a free lunch' emerge? I vaguely remember first encountering it in the 80s? in some sort of college class? And the speaker or context it was used did NOT make it clear to me its intent.
The response at the time, and many times in later years, was OF COURSE there is a free lunch! I am getting one tomorrow (my co-workers WILL take me out for my birthday a week late). Right?
The intent of the phrase is that everything in the environment is connected to everything else. If you change one thing, there will be an effect on other things. Take the small change of starting to feed birds in your backyard...the effects are probably a tiny increase of those species in your local area and maybe other indirect effects such as those species displacing others in the area or an increase in the area of predators to those species.
Likewise, an obvious big change might be the warming of average temperature globally. We are seeing how widespread and inter-related the environment is with this change.
As promised, here's a picture of the small 6" cake I splurged on last week for my low key bday.

Other news from Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is http://www.prettycheapjewelry.com Pretty Cheap Jewelry are new hand beaded glove designs! Now making ... Red Hearts on Black ... White Bows ... and mid forearm lengths (not shown). Ask me for a picture!
White on white. For picture perfect flower girls and easter bunnies.
Red Black & White. Dramatic girls only!
Posted in
March 13th, 2012 at 05:10 pm
Just realized my birthday is the day before Pi day! Love it! I am such a geek and 3.14 is funny and clever to me. Don't laugh at me, laugh with me! OK?!
I usually downplay my bday. Who wants to shout out middle age (ahem, or more). My wishes typically involve:
1. Outdoor physical fun. It's been taking a hike (free) in the local mountains the past couple years. I try to get the whole family on some trail. This year went by myself because one kid sleeps in late, and the other had other commitments plus homework. So dad stayed home and I went here:

In the rural area not far from home, nice cloud day.

Nice Views!!
2. Special help at home. A day or two in advance, I ask the kids to think of doing extra things around the house as a nice surprise. Maybe they will sweep the stairs? Dry and put away dishes? It may not happen but at least I ask!
My birthday wishes do NOT usually involve:
A. Going out to eat. This just does not seem very special to me. I like to cook and don't go out much anyway! However, every so often (once a month?) it is fun to get something I don't normally make, such as good Chinese food, or Greek. NEVER italian, ugh, that's all my husband makes! and we cook mexican alot, but I adore those HOLE IN THE WALL (cheap) authentic mexican restaurants.
B. Large or even Medium Gifts. No clothes, no electronics, no accessories (DUH I make jewelry!) But my husband loves to give, so I post a list a month ahead of time with wishes. This year it was for a used Zumba Wii game!! He gave it to me early. Or something from Michaels (beads, specialty papers). The kids are happy to oblige.
But this year the spouse is not around (he is staying with his mom who is getting out of a short hospital stay today from a minor car accident) so I will celebrate in small ways myself.
...Coffeehouse Beverage...
small treat so far, cafe au lait (am not a regular customer)
...Small Cake...
Normally I'd make my own, but time does not permit this year. And I really don't need one, but my tween girl, who lives in a perfect world, would be SO DISAPPOINTED if there were no birthday cake!!!
Since I am brown bagging my own lunch and making my own birthday dinner, I'll splurge on a storebought cake! There are these really BEAUTIFUL little 8" cakes at the supermarket bakery and I will probably make it small treat #2.
Come back for a picture tomorrow!
Posted in
March 12th, 2012 at 05:05 pm
Posted in
March 9th, 2012 at 06:03 pm
You found out a couple days ago how I added 3+ fitness sessions to what I thought was an impossibly full weekly schedule. Simply taking advantage of the fact that a zumba class was held next door to a place I already had to be (every Wed evening) started the ball rolling. It was good fortune that the zumba class was a great deal with respect to cost and schedule. But I take FULL credit for using that one class as a jumping off point and doing at least 2 more sessions at home.
The second phase of unexpected success in health and fitness this year also happened at the ice rink. When kids are in a group lesson most of the parents hang out in the locker area/snack bar. I've used the time myself to make simple jewelry, or bead gloves, like these... (In fact, the work attracts attention and brings future customers!)
Blue Knit Glamorous Gloves

Sky blue lightweight knit gloves are trimmed with thick dreamy black feather fluff at the wrist. Added detail of steel blue glass beads on the back. A little price for alot of glamour. Click Text is HERE and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/89639532/knit-gloves-blue-feather-cuff-beaded HERE for more info.
One mom, whose kids are now really advanced and need to practice at least 3 days a week, spends more time at the rink than average. So after working on her computer while waiting for a couple years, she did it. Slapped on some skates and got in the adult group lesson. Many of the other parents admired this!
I know how to skate but finally admitted my 25-y.o. skates were just not adequate anymore. Those skates got me through teaching the kids how to do it when they were 5 or so, but thrifty as I am, the leather boots were completely broken down and offered no ankle support anymore. Anyone want a pair of vintage Oberhauer (sp.?) boots with excellent Sheffield stainless steel blades for posterity?
But I still sort of liked the idea of skating as well. It was this mom who had a pair of GOOD used boots from her expert kids that needed a new home. OK, I tried them on and made a deal!! YIPPEE! These skates would easily last me the next 25 years.
So on Saturdays, when my own child was in a cross training dance class at the rink for 2 hours, and then on the ice for another 2 hours, I lace up and get out there for a little movement myself!
Watch out Peggy Fleming
Posted in
March 8th, 2012 at 07:49 pm
She loves them! Last December I gained a new fan of the original hand beaded appliqued knit gloves I design and sew for Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is http://www.prettycheapjewelry.com Pretty Cheap Jewelry. At that time, she bought a feminine pair of dove grey with antique flowers on the wrist. Shortly thereafter she came back for a sporty black with sequin hearts. Then last weekend she asked in passing if I had any in brown.
I had a good stock of plain gloves from end of the year sales and had been taking a break in sewing on the appliques, buttons, beads.
But whew! There was ONE pair in fawn tan. And a copper leaf sequin applique that I had not tried yet. So I made it up (no picture sorry!) and showed her 2 days later. YES! She loved them. Am I crazy? I lowered the price because the gloves were such a good deal and in appreciation for the repeat business.
It was just enough to get me back into making the gloves. In fact, I have just put on my schedule a 2-day sales event at the ice rink in August so I need to have a dozen or more pair ready. How about these pastel pink hearts?
Playful Pink and Blue Gloves
Sweetheart sequins trim the wrist, little blue beads on the back of these lightweight cheerful gloves. Size: young adult
Special request only
On the craft table? Dramatic red hearts on black knit gloves. Pictures coming soon.
Posted in
March 6th, 2012 at 06:35 pm
From a somewhat casual start, I somehow have fit in 4+ days of fitness in to my weekly schedule! What's up with that? How was it that last year every minute was spoken for and walking the dog a couple times a week was a luxury? Back then I felt sluggish often, impatient with being stuck with family obligations, etc.
Firstly, the barebones gym next to the ice rink where I spend every Wed eve at my child's skate lesson boomed in membership. Another mom went to their Zumba class while her kid skated and made a casual comment that I should try. The idea just got planted in my head, that's all it took. The gym made it easy: free trial class and thence 10 classes for $60 (punch card so no monthly fee). YAY!! SO GREAT to see this business grow because it is in a run down strip type shopping center (very dated) that desperately needed tenants. I now have to RESIST going to more than one class a week!!
So that's one day a week. Now let me reveal I had a secret plan!! When my daughter got a Wii last December, (thank you grandma/grandpa!) trying some fitness games was a factor in my approval of the whole system. Enter Valentine Day, whereupon my sentimental husband loves to shop and give gifts. I AM SO GLAD I ask for practical things! Of course, I wanted a -used- Wii Zumba disc. Nothing expensive cause I didn't know if I'd like it.
Am on the 2nd week of trying it and I LOVE IT! There are at least 25 routines and it teaches you the steps (VERY HANDY). I am still figuring out what all it does, such as pre-setting a workout schedule for you, etc. I have wanted to dance at least 2 times a week and expect this will keep up at least through the fall. ANYONE WANT TO JOIN ME?
So that's working out now 3 days a week so far.
I'll make the 2nd kind of fitness another blog post, but next let me explain I am AMAZED at the other major success recently ~ sale of my most expensive handmade original jewelry to date.
Citrine & Garnet Fancy Link Set

About 2 years ago, I was inspired to make something fit for a queen (remember the royal wedding blitz?). There was one final citrine briolette in my box, and a number of wine red garnets. I like to design chain work, so hammered 14K gold filled wire into fancy link shapes which held drops of the sparkling jewels. To keep the necklace cost down, the back strands were composed of white and pale gold freshwater pearl. (The pearls were greatly less costly than using the heavy gold filled wire for more links). I had enough materials to make matching earrings. A great use of the last piece of citrine I thought.
I priced it for the high end crowd, $150 / set. And put it for sale in 2 or 3 places over the next one and half years. No customer interest, but admiration from fellow jewelry designers!
After taking it out of the shops to rest for a month or so, I rotated it back to my local art gallery jewelry case at half the original price. It was sold in a few weeks. WOO HOOOOOOOO!
Come back soon and read about the second fitness phase I've added lately!
Posted in
March 5th, 2012 at 09:30 pm
Selling girl scout cookies is ridiculously easy. If that combination of youth advocacy & nostalgia is ever duplicated in any other business, watch out! It will break records. Instead of going through that box of Thin Mints or Tagalongs in one or two sittings, though, (and of course there aren't very many to start with in those boxes) here is a way to stretch them and enjoy for a number of weeks. And you won't be tempted to buy more boxes!
Invented by my 12 y.o. who is always thinking up stuff you wouldn't dream of! And a healthy afterschool snack to boot.
Thin Mint Smoothie
2 girl scout Thin Mints, frozen
1/2 banana, sliced and frozen
1/3 C milk
2 drops vanilla
Place in blender and run till smooth. Serves 1
And of course, she inspires me to think up one! Try it, you won't be sorry.
Tagalong Smoothie
2 girl scout Tagalongs, frozen
1/2 banana, sliced and frozen
2 TB peanut butter
1/3 C milk
2 drops vanilla
Place in blender and run till smooth. Serves 1
Any more ideas? While you're thinking, here is a bit of sunny color for upcoming spring events.
Diamond Shape Stone Earrings
Cheerful clusters of pale yellow stone (chalcedony) shine on these nicely proportioned earrings. A bit of sparkle is added with glass faceted beads with a pink coating.

Casual enough for work or school, but the monochromatic color is great for a wedding or dressy event. 14K gold filled wires. A fantastic value at $15.00. More details Text is HERE and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/94387254/yellow-diamond-earrings HERE
Thanks for your tweets and feedback!
Posted in
March 1st, 2012 at 09:09 pm
Occasionally I see these sourdough rounds on the grocery store day old rack and buy them as a 'treat'. They make great toast and sandwiches, or complement a small piece of meat or fish with a salad for dinner. I don't make sourdough from scratch (though I've tried in the past, it's hard to keep a sour dough starter going). And I don't get to San Francisco often to get some first hand.

So I was hoarding one on my desk the last day or so and out of the blue *it hit me*
We are a soup eating family; I like making it in the crock pot, my teen loves making it himself for dinner when schedules are hectic, it's healthy and warms on a cold winter day, easy and inexpensive to make.
And I adore those soup-in-a-bread-bowl entrees at a restaurant. Don't you?
VOILA - tonight I will make a nice meal for my son! (He is the one who needs it most, my hubby is not home for dinner). After toasting the sourdough round in the oven, I'll scoop out the center (and use for something delicious for my daughter) and fill with some hearty progresso or likeness.
Other creative thinking around here?
New collection of guitar string bracelets in progress!
Here's the latest, see them all at Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is http://www.prettycheapjewelry.com Pretty Cheap Jewelry and watch for more in the next couple weeks.
Guitar String Bracelet - Green Tangerine
Environmental lifestyle can be fashionable ~ I use spent guitar strings and remake them into a smart and beautiful accessory. Then add loads of color, such as pops of orange, mellow moss stone, pale pastel peach, and patterned natural wood.
Always admired by friends. More pictures and details Text is here and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/94148855/guitar-string-bracelet-green-tangerine here
Next post...truthisms and hilarious passages from a fabulous book I'm reading on how to live through raising a teen!
Posted in
February 29th, 2012 at 09:33 pm
It just seems though an extra day in the year is a great opportunity to do something out of the ordinary!
My first ideas were to: Get Out and HIKE, bike, zumba, or otherwise be active in a different way. But I had to work!
Another thought was to visit the library and check out something new like: iPhone Apps You'll Never Live Without, or even grab a $1 book from the sale shelf like Fodor's Hawaii.
So far I haven't a good answer but am not yet giving up! What are your suggestions??
And for anyone who wants to seize the savings, I will give every 4th item free for orders TODAY ONLY (2/29/12).
Simply checkout with 3 items and ask for your free item in message to seller*. Everything eligible! Here's a few new, original choices, see them all at Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is http://www.prettycheapjewelry.com Pretty Cheap Jewelry or click on the sampler (left side bar).
Silk Mini Purse $6.50
Fashion meets eco ethic in a pure silk mini shoulder bag made from fine men's neckties. Fits a phone or gift card perfectly. Shown: Text is Diagonal Stripe and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/93499557/silk-mini-pouch-diagonal-stripe-daddys Diagonal Stripe, one of several available.
Kid's Cute Gloves $7.00
Tuck into an Easter basket, stay warm till spring has sprung. Shown: Text is Silver Hearts and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/89663049/knit-gloves-black-heart-kids Silver Hearts, one of several pair available.
Feather Me Beautiful $4.25
Green your St. Pat's Day, or save for Mom in May. Big hair barrettes from all naturally shed feathers (cruelty-free). Shown: Text is Sweeping Peacock and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/82314081/feather-barrette-humane-natural-shed Sweeping Peacock, one of several glittering styles.
*Free item to be equal or lesser value than other items.
Posted in
February 24th, 2012 at 04:43 pm
In this area there is an unusual supply store, aimed at preventing stuff from being put in the trash. Any number of things can be had for literally pennies: construction materials, fabrics, paper goods, plastic products, vintage items, the sky is the limit. It is not a thrift store, the market leans toward teachers, arts, and the environmental community. It's called Text is Art from Scrap and Link is http://artfromscrap.org/ Art from Scrap and gets very busy when parades are on the calendar and at holidays such as Halloween!
I'm going to take a walk there at lunch, it's a bit far but do'able in an hour. Am hoping to find beads! But who knows what I'll come out with! Hopefully nothing too wacky. Watch this blog to see what great creative products I make with whatever I buy. Low cost supplies is just one reason you can count on truly low prices for the original work from The Frugal Artisan.
Here's a special offer in fact on gorgeous silk mini bags, fashioned by me from fine retired men's ties. Click Text is HERE and Link is http://t.co/rfF6QMgJ HERE to get to the live offer.
Posted in
February 22nd, 2012 at 08:11 pm
I've taken so many small trips around the states in past years. From lesser known public parks and nature hikes, to rock collecting and historic spots, travel is one of my favorite things in life.
So I am usually pleasantly surprised when visiting any given place when my husband remarks, 'You've been here before, remember ...' But usually I DON'T remember. The upshot is I am perfectly happy to relearn what is interesting about the place all over again.
It doesn't always happen, big trips stick with me! But all those little places which I spent half hour?!
Just this past weekend, we went to a couple little destinations (which I will probably forget about in 10 years). Both within about 40 miles of our weekend house, we just had never gone down those roads before. Though they do not jump out as highly desirable, we had a GREAT time, very INTERESTING, fun for the whole family. And didn't cost more than $3...
Boron, California
There are 2 borax mines in the world, here lies the 2nd largest (the other is in S. America). And yes, this is the stuff that gets put in detergent, but also loads of fiberglass (insulation, boating) and ceramics.

Remember when Borateam sponsored 'Death Valley Days'? I was 3 or 4! There is a visitors center with video of the old shows playing (Clint Eastwood was in an episode in 1956! and Ron Reagan hosted in the 1950s!). There are tailings piles from the mine which my husband could not resist digging through (see above), but which also the kids climbed right on up and joined him.
The 20 mule team is explained (when the borax was originally collected in Death Valley it was taken to the nearest train by mule team). It said 'NOT ONE WORKER OR MULE WAS LOST during that whole period'. If any of you know anything about Death Valley, especially Death Valley in the 1920s, that IS ONE IMPRESSIVE RECORD.
There was a very educational movie about the mine which depicted the company workings, Rio Tinto Minerals, and I saw my kids absorbed in the chemistry explanations (yay!!). Total cost? $3
OK, next we went on to...
Edwards Air Force Base
The shuttle landed here for 10+ years and we never made a point of coming to see that. One of those things that if it's in your backyard, you eschew it I suppose. But now we wanted in!
On a Sunday the place is mostly deserted, but there was a good number of mounted air craft. As soon as we saw this one, my son leaped out of his seat! 'Blackbird!' he yelled.

Apparently just recently he saw a video in school about breaking the sound barrier and this puppy, the Air Force SR-71 (above), was one of the tools. In fact, he very clearly explained it to me on the spot for which I was grateful because I didn't really know the phenomenon that well! Not bad for reinforcing a bit of classroom lessons!
Cost? $0
As we drove around the base, we explained why there was a bowling alley and houses and a library and a school. Who lives there and why, and what those folks were allowed to do. My daughter understood more about what it means to enlist in the service.
So get out and see what's nearby. If you're like me, you can forget the details and relive them again in a few years!
Thanks for getting to the end! And now for a peek at a new mini purse, made from a fine silk men's tie. New from me and available for $6.50 at Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is http://www.prettycheapjewelry.com Pretty Cheap Jewelry
Daddy's Little Purse Strings - Classic Grey
Stash the barest essentials in a fine pure silk retired men's necktie. Fits a cell phone perfectly. Take it on your dog walk, hiking or biking.
Posted in
February 21st, 2012 at 08:01 pm
Video gaming is the scourge of modern teen boys' moms! But wait, those handheld consoles are great for passing the time waiting in lines, or when the child comes with a parent to a meeting or other adult obligation, and of course they are a very effective solution for entertaining kids on long car or air trips.
How many of you have used gaming as a tool for the kids?
It starts in kindergarten. Small kids (6 years old) play on Game Boys (remember those?). Grandparents gladly provide them at this age. The next step might have been a Wii (got one? raise your hand). Some families selected XBox, some picked Wii, others went for PlayStations. And now it's all on, or coming soon to a phone near you!
The usual common sense parenting rules would have to have kicked in at the beginning (and if they didn't woe to those folks):
1. Limiting the number of hours used.
2. Allowing only appropriate type of games.
3. Including as part of a balanced life, which means getting exercise, sleeping enough, and eating well.
The temptation to play is SO GREAT! It is a constant struggle to keep a teen boy off the computer. Is it such a problem?
Well maybe there is a bright side.
My kid is very smart, (knows it all in fact), cooperative in the family (except he hates his sister as is supremely normal at this age), and makes good choices in all aspects of his daily life over which he has control (friends, social settings, etc.). I'd say his weakness is simply being less willing to try new things for fear of failure.
Until now. For the past few months he has been interested in what stocks are, how does a person buy/sell, the workings of the market, etc.
OK. He wanted to try it. I have a portfolio which is managed by a conservative advisor, and am not really fully knowledgeable in doing it myself. WAIT, maybe it is not that I am uneducated, more that I am afraid to jump in myself for fear of LOSING a bundle.
But my kid has saved a nice little pile of cash (even after depositing in his bank account). And how better to learn than trying things??
YES! We spent some hours with the basics (buy low, sell high!), how to look at individual companies, and what to watch in the news as far as indicators.
My bank has a program that gives 100 trades a year fee-free of which we use only a few annually. So it was easy to let him use some of the free trades. See what he picked as his first investment below .....
First, let me show off a new product from my small biz! I saw a prototype of this at a yard sale long ago, in fact I LOVED the idea and purchased the prototype.
Now introducing Daddy's Little Purse Strings - Mini Bags

Sized perfectly to hold a cell phone, a few credit cards or driver's license, each mini purse is fashioned from a fine silk retired men's necktie. Beautifully colored, rich detail, simply carry over your shoulder when walking the dog, on a bike ride, or just want to have the bare essentials with you.

Shown: Diagonal Stripe, pure silk, $6.50
Order: Text is HERE and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/93499557/silk-mini-pouch-diagonal-stripe-daddys HERE
My 14-y.o. is now a proud owner of stock in...
Text is Electronic Arts, Inc. and Link is http://www.ea.com/ Electronic Arts, Inc.
These are the folks who put out the Madden Football video games, the Battlefield game, etc. Not bad to start investing in what you know well, right??
I'm very pleased he is trying out such a grown up activity and learning some very important lessons at a pivotal time in his life.
Thanks for reading and comments, tweets, FB likes welcome!
Posted in
February 16th, 2012 at 10:16 pm
It's finally caught up with us. We are no longer in the 'guinea pig' phase, that young grade school time when little kids want furry little pets (that the mom takes care of). Or the blithely innocent age when the kids had fun shopping (the thrift store!) for good used stuffed animals, toys, clothes and books.
Nope, we are firmly in the chauffeur phase. When the parent is present to deliver and pick up (I'm not talking about pizzas), is best seen but not heard, and whose sole purpose (if the kid were asked) is to provide as much as possible, measured in material goods, toward the social acceptance of the young person.
Ha! Not really, but what brought this on was the reality of having to buy $85 tennis shoes for my kid. Yes, they are for running track team, a little more important than just lounging and walking around.
BUT DRAT! That was the price AFTER a generous local store policy of reducing for track club runners and knocking off another 15% for last year's model.
AND JEEZ! They will surely only last him 1 year. Makes those used ice skates I just bought from a friend (who's kid outgrew them) look good! The skates were $75, for my own fun, and will last me 10 years (or more).
Oh well. Am very happy to patronize a really GOOD local store because their experience is worth the extra cost (even though they discounted away the extra and didn't make much I presume).
So here's to the next few years of higher expenses in raising the kids, right? Someone tell me it ain't so!
THANKS - an original pressed flower card
Send a beautiful greeting without spending a fortune.

Available from Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is http://www.prettycheapjewelry.com Pretty Cheap Jewelry
Click Text is HERE and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/90759659/pressed-flower-card-crystal-cut-vase HERE to order.
Posted in
February 14th, 2012 at 05:41 pm
Am I the only one who doesn't like the inferred assumption made by economic experts that shopping and CONSUMING is the answer to rebuilding prosperity? Again today on the news:
"Americans rebounded from a weak holiday season and stepped up spending on retail goods in January, an encouraging sign for the strengthening economy...
"The positive data suggest that hiring gains have encouraged more people to spend, which should lead to stronger growth...
"The good news is that the strong January gain establishes that the consumer trend is not folding"
(from Text is LA Times and Link is http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-retail-sales-20120214,0,619643.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fmostviewed+%28L.A.+Times+-+Most+Viewed+Stories%29 LA Times)
WHY WHY WHY are we told that buying more STUFF will solve unemployment, raise people out of poverty, etc.
So we should speed up digging up mountains to mine metals and raw materials, we should suck up the very limited fresh water resources for stoopid manufacturing of any number of things such as fabric, plastics, or foods, and how about we cut down more trees to make paper for advertising which gets THROWN AWAY???!!
I have a better idea. Instead of producing and CONSUMING new things, can companies and people focus on producing and consuming re-used, recycled and things contain NO or LITTLE NEW RAW MATERIALS.
OK, here are some free ideas to start your own small business:
-- Born Again Books: Not just for Sunday!
-- Rags to Riches: Glamorous Clothes remade from People for Pets
-- TimeShare Sports: Monthly Rental on Fitness Equipment without Commitment
These may be small scale, but big scale enterprises are certainly possible!
Yes, there are already resale sports stores, clothes stores, vintage malls and any number of other eco-companies. I'd just like this philosophy to be FIRST in our shopping consciousness, not secondary.
Oh, and the tissue paper? After the weekend's birthday celebrations, I have a nice supply of tissue paper saved from gifts. Is it a futile step in my 1-person rebellion against the 'SHOPPING to save the economy' mass hysteria?
Thanks for your read and comments, tweets and FB likes welcome.
Composed of pressed plants from my own yard, a thoughtful way to say hello to a new neighbor, co-worker, or baby. Handmade, no power consumed in the production.

Order Text is HERE and Link is http://www.etsy.com/listing/91153856/pressed-flower-card-welcome-garden-pot HERE
Posted in