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Archive for June, 2007

Free Coffee Break

June 29th, 2007 at 05:04 pm

Last chance to get in on the $20 Starbucks Card Giveaway from Pretty Cheap Jewelry.

On July 4 a name will be picked from the (small pool) of those subscribing to our mailing list.

Want to try?

1. Go to

Text is and Link is

2. Contact prettycheap (click 'contact prettycheap in the lower right margin). Follow the instructions to register with Etsy (if you are not already).

3. Send your email in the contact.

That's all! It costs you nothing.

Don't worry you won't get alot of pesky emails. Just a one page, once a month newsletter filled with exclusive offers (to subscribers only), more freebies, and zany trivia.

(Regular readers, please bear with me this is the LAST time I will post this!)

Summertime Curse

June 27th, 2007 at 03:39 pm

No it's not the mosquitoes...

TOO many tomatoes!

What was my husband thinking?? The little natural science major inside him delights in the growth of plants. But the farmer's wife here grunts at the practicality of processing the fruits of his labor.

OK, enuff philosophizing.

Below in the foreground are the broccoli (spent and by the way, this species is a dog, way too little edible parts for the work and size of the plant), and the left background is the tomato jungle. There must be a 100 green ones in there.

So for those who think this is a blessing, feel free to come by in a few weeks and take a bag. Otherwise, send tomato preserving recipes. But note:

~I don't like em stewed
~I am not willing to can them
~They are not going to be boiled down into sauce, are you kidding :-/
~I chopped and froze some last year to use in the slow cooker later, mildly successful, but there are still too many

Too Many Thumbnails?

June 26th, 2007 at 04:35 pm

Look to the left for the added 'preview' to Pretty Cheap Jewelry.

Feedback? Too many items? It can be set to 8 instead. Too in your face? Too blatant commercialism?

Or understated? Simple and clean set up?

Thanks for the comments.

Your Chance for Free Coffee Within -->

June 22nd, 2007 at 03:21 pm

Giving away a $20 Starbucks card to celebrate 1 year of Pretty Cheap Jewelry!

To get a chance, just join the mailing list by:

1. Go to

Text is and Link is

2. Contact prettycheap (click 'contact' lower right margin). It may ask you to register with Etsy, a wonderful handcrafted internet marketplace. All you need is a username and password.

3. Send your e mail address in the contact.

You won't get a bunch of spammy e mails. I am not that sophisticated!! (yet?). It will be a monthly one page newsletter, filled with fun trivia, special offers and pics.

Like this-
Field Mouse and Friends Blank Note Cards, Pack of 3 ...$5
Let field mouse send greetings for you! Hiding in a patch of dried pressed star jasmine, where a feathered friend once visited, field mouse and crow are ready to help. Set of three cards, each with whimsical design featuring critters, bare foot prints, sneakered footprints and dried, pressed star jasmine. (Only one shown). Exceptional value only available at
Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is
Pretty Cheap Jewelry.

Unplanned Blast to the Past

June 21st, 2007 at 01:59 pm

To escape the noise of distant popping fireworks (they have already started during the afternoon around the neighborhood), my dog tried to climb up into the shelves of our bedroom closet.

Right where an old box or two of my childhood items were kept. The only two boxes I have of things.

He clawed open the corner of one box shredding some of the contents. So it was taken down to clean up and throw out.

Inside was my coin collection from younger days (about 40 years ago). It wasn't as extensive as my memory had told me. It contains a booklet of incomplete pennies from 1902 to 1940, although I had just found two 1943 pennies in recent months and added them right away. (In 1943 pennies were made with aluminum instead of copper due to WWII. THey are rare and collectable).

Am going to go throught the rest in the next couple days just for fun. Some buffalo nickels, a variety of 'wheat back' pennies, mercury dimes, etc. Even at a young age I knew if you just tucked away rare coins for a long period of time, they will increase in value!

Also want to show off a handsome rock for the man who needs to tell it like it is. Available at

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Dads Rule Keychain $5
Pure raw quartz crystal set in sterling silver handmade bail hung on split ring keychain lets you slyly tell Dad he's in charge. The quartz was collected by my family in the USA backcountry (I'm not telling exactly where so they are cleaned out!). White ceramic letter beads hang on two stiff wire charms. Reasonably priced for easy giving.

DH gets bonus, spends bonus

June 19th, 2007 at 03:26 pm

He is a great asset to the company and deserves the $500 (after taxes)!

Last time he used it to go abroad (by himself) to learn the world. Especially since he teaches geography at night as a 2nd job!

This time he used it to join a fitness club for 3 years. I'm ok with that. After the 3 years it reverts to a $12 or so monthly fee for life. Assuming they don't disappear, move and he sticks with it.

An honorable use of a bonus. Hip Hip Hooray!

From the Other side of the Craft Fair Booth

June 18th, 2007 at 02:32 pm

Being a somewhat new craft fair vendor, I'll never visit a craft fair the same!

This weekend

Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is
Pretty Cheap Jewelry was in a 2-day craft fair. The table fee was reasonable and the reputation of the event is sterling.

The Good News: I didn't post a loss! I wish I could report oodles of profit, but I made a little, enough to cover the cafe au lait a scone in the wee morning hours of the second day. So basically I broke even.

The Bad News: Attendence was light and there is some recent political scuffling between the city and the fair sponsor. This fair is held by the local high school as a fundraiser for the music department. It has been held monthly for 20 years! Normally it is inside and outside. But just this year, the city merchants are complaining that the fair is an unwelcome competition! So the fair has not been allowed to put up signs or have outdoor vendors (a BIG attraction for customers). The result was pretty light attendence. The fair managment is determined to work it out and make this a success.

The Important News: It was plenty fun and well worth my time in meeting customers and promoting myself in person.

Here's a look at a new item in the shop taken with greatly improved photo techniques I have learned.

Star Light and Moon Shadow Earrings $5
Feature an antiqued sterling plated moon charm and moonstone beads. Moonstone is a cousin of the more familiar goldstone (which is tawny and filled with gold flecks). Both are manmade and moonstone is a very deep navy blue (almost black) and filled with silver sparkle. Swarovski crystal complete the look. Wonderfully bargain priced.

(Almost) 20 Questions

June 14th, 2007 at 07:11 pm

What one thing would you use to do all of these?
1. Loosen stubborn zippers.
2. Untangle jewelry chains.
3. Remove stains from stainless steel sinks.
4. Remove dirt and grime from the barbecue grill.
5. Keep ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing.
6. Remove tomato stains from clothing.
7. Keep glass shower doors free of water spots.
8. Camouflage scratches in ceramic and marble floors.
9. Keep scissors working smoothly.
10. Remove black scuffmarks from the kitchen floor!
11. Give a children's play gym slide a super fast slide.

And more?

Get In On the $20 Starbucks Card Giveaway

June 13th, 2007 at 07:16 pm

Still accepting entries for the free $20 Starbucks card. SO easy and doesn't cost you a nickel (or a penny).

1. Go to

Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is
Pretty Cheap Jewelry

2. Contact me (click 'contact' in the right margin). If you are not a member of Etsy it will ask you to register with a username and password. Etsy is an internet marketplace for handmade items.

3. Send me your e mail address to receive an infrequent newsletter.

I will pick a winner from all the sign ups on July 4.

Don't worry, I don't send pesky e mails. In fact, I haven't sent ANY e mails yet. The newsletter will start this summer and will be monthly at best. It will be a fun, trivia and story filled, and at most 1 page.


School's Almost Out / Let the Tanning Lotion Hit the Fan!

June 12th, 2007 at 05:39 pm

EEP! Two more days until mayhem!

My 1st and 3rd grader have 8 weeks of freedom, mom - here - has the ultimate plans!

1. Free passes to the Getty Museum in LA (given to the 1st grade class this year).

2. Free passes to the Santa Barbara Art Museum (given to the 3rd grade class this year). To be expanded to a full day trip riding the 25cent electric shuttle to the pier, going to the (elaborate wooden) playground, etc.

3. Free kids passes to Magic Mountain (earned by reading 6 hours in school).

4. Swim Lessons for 2 weeks in July (already registered).

5. Trampoline Class later in August (once a week, for 4 weeks)

6. Ocassional $3 movie.

7. Many trips to the beach to collect sea glass, the latest kids obsession (we are fortunate to live near the Pacific Ocean).

8. Sleep overs with friends at our place and theirs.

And the rest of the time for bickering and nitpicking with each other! Whee! Can't wait!

Why did Shell Oil take me out to dinner?

June 11th, 2007 at 07:43 pm

In the mail was a $2 off coupon for Shell gas with the purchase of 10 gallons. Our family holds a Shell credit card because they reduce the price by 5.5% if you use it to charge gas. Which is what we use this card exclusively.

On Sunday, in preparation for the coming work week, I filled the tank and received cash of $2 (according to the attendent it was easier to give me the cash instead of reducing the charge amount).

Why do they bother though? It is nearly impossible to reduce gas consumption anyway -- I have to get to work and the kids to school. There is little to no discretionary driving already. Is this supposed to entice me to go to Shell instead of some other brand? How in the world is $2 going to make a difference to them? What marketing guru dreamed this ridiculous scheme up?

Nevertheless, you are probably wondering how I was taken to dinner for $2. Also receieved in the mail was a coupon for a free burrito from Chipotles. This is one of the nice 'gourmet' mexican counter service restaurants. In the same vein as La Salsa, Baja Fresh, Sharkeys (if you aren't familiar with these, too bad, they're yummy). Chipotle charges $5+ for a burrito, way alot for mexican fare. (Except they are mixed up too. This restaurant plays jazz and old swing tunes, has Rat Pack trivia on their cups and such. Now whose marketing guru's sister or brother got in on this one?? Idiots! But that's the subject of another blog entry...)

So off I went with the $2, free burrito coupon and bought a soda for $1.34.

I guess Shell Oil actually paid me to go to dinner.

Discovery (Channel) Stores Going Out of Business

June 8th, 2007 at 09:46 pm

My favorite kind of store - going out of business!

Everything is 20% or more off. Except 'The Planet Earth' DVD set (5 discs). The one thing my husband wants! ARGGGGHH!

I completely splurged getting it for Father's Day (you don't want to know how much it costs...). He is an earth science teacher, so it is far and away the right thing to get him.

The store hands out a coupon for one free 'Planet Earth' DVD with every Discovery Channel online purchase.

Also purchased a human anatomy model for our best friend's daughter's birthday next weekend (the one where the lungs, intestines, bones, etc are inside a clear plastic person). At about $18 it was a very good choice for a 7-year old with an 8-y-o sister. The parents are both teachers. I always want to give kids educational stuff, and have given them books in the past.

One more going out of business store also today!

It was a gift type shop with a number of jewelry racks for sale. I picked up 3 velvet blocks for $1 ea. GREAT for the June, July, Aug, and Sept craft shows I am in with Pretty Cheap Jewelry!

I'm Giving Away a $20 Starbucks Card (and it won't cost you a penny)

June 7th, 2007 at 03:03 pm

Time to celebrate earning 100 'hearts*' at Pretty Cheap Jewelry!

*Signifying shoppers who love my store.

I'm giving away a $20 Starbucks Card as THANKS!

To enter, join the mailing list by July 4.

1. Go to the website (click on the shop name in this blog left column)

2. Click on 'contact PrettyCheap' in the shop right margin.

(It will ask you to register with a username and password, just like you do here and on Amazon. Give yourself a jazzy avatar!)

3. In your 'contact' send me your e mail address.

That's all! I will let my 7-y-o girl pick the winner out of a hat at the end of the contest. You can talk with her about who wins!

BTW, I don't send annoying e mails, in fact I don't ANY e mails until I learn how to make up a decent newsletter. It might be a monthly issue when up and running smoothly.

THANKS for your time and GOOD LUCK!

Pocketful of $$ (Silver Dollar, Golden Dollars and $2 bill)

June 6th, 2007 at 07:56 pm

My son has been carefully and diligently saving allowance and chore money for a Game Boy this summer.

(I am not crazy about his choice of product, but after almost 2 years of negotiating this issue, it's time has come)

Today he exchanged a $2 bill, several golden Presidential dollars and at least 1 silver dollar for a $20 bill with me.

What to do with these fun and unusual items?

Psyching Into the Shopping 'Experience'

June 4th, 2007 at 06:26 pm

One Sunday a month I volunteer as a host at the Art Association Gallery. It is located at a marina, a moderate sized tourist attraction with restaurants, souvenir shops, and a National Park site within.

The gallery sees some foot traffic, but not as much as we'd like. The gallery atmosphere is on the spartan side. It is quiet (with low volume jazz or soft rock playing), uncluttered, with wares for young adults on up. Framed items, glass works, textiles and jewelry are displayed among other things.

Is this not enough in the age of clever media marketing?

Do people need to be bombarded with tempting signs, sales, and all the frills so common nowadays?

On the other hand, what about those shops that contain maybe 5 (stratospherically priced) purses or shoes? There's practically NOTHING in the store, yet they stay in business?

Ha! ha! Any thoughts welcome :->

Still Intelligence and Relevance in RocknRoll

June 2nd, 2007 at 04:55 pm

This band speaks to me even as an oldster and I am truly heartened that they are using their video for positive

Text is Nickelback If Everyone Cared and Link is
Nickelback If Everyone Cared

I am going to buy the record.