August 28th, 2008 at 08:26 pm
At the farmer's market weekend craft fairs I vended throughout this summer, a local singer/songwriter/musician duo performed tirelessly to attract shoppers. I enjoyed the music greatly at least a dozen times. And yes, it helped with foot traffic.
The craft fair end of the market was organized by a non-profit environmental association which paid the musicians modestly. Everyone involved with this summer long event made donations in - time, sales percent, kid's activities, and the like.
I want to show special appreciation to the musicians and am planning a (huge) wine and treat basket. The cost won't be huge because:
* I already have the basket with ample crinkled cushion paper
* Bought 4 wine glasses at the 99c store
* Plan to get a couple big 1 lb choc bars which the grocery store has frequently for $1
Now for the expenses, I'd like one white, and one red wine. Shall I go to Trader Joes and pick out something in the under $10 range each?
The remainder may be little cracker and cheese snacks, unless you want to post additional inexpensive ideas.
Posted in
August 27th, 2008 at 06:44 pm
OK, that is a pretty vulgar title.
But I am very proud and excited to be part of a formal, independently curated art exhibit for the very first time.
WHAT: FRAGILE SANDS reveres Hobo Jungle (also known as Seaside Park, the County Fairgrounds location)
Text is and Link is
WHERE: Bell Arts Factory
WHEN: Sept 5 - Oct 20
More details
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Oh yes, and my book? It is a story of the Santa Clara River, inhabitant animals, native (and not so native) plants and what the future holds. Large ~ Tactile ~ and meant to be touched and read. Also available on-line
Text is and Link is
Wish you could come to the reception and sip wine with me.
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Small Business
August 25th, 2008 at 04:34 am
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August 22nd, 2008 at 04:38 pm
A new'ish site allows you to make graphic (or text) ads and place them on blogs and websites all over the place. It's been around long enough to be established, and the crafters worls is very involved in it.
Text is and Link is
What: You register for free, make up an ad, there are 6 or 7 sizes from the 'button' to 'skyscraper' ranges. Use a great photo, catchy phrase or whatever.
Why: The major objective is to allow others to receive income from ads on their site, from anywhere like 1 penny to a dollar or so a day. (Really busy sites can charge the higher rates, but even little guys can charge the lower rates). But the additional reason is for those of us with webshops to place ads. You specify the cost you are willing to pay (for me that is $0 right now). You then place a 'bid' and await approval from the site owner. There are many sites with free slots that no one else is bidding against you.
Who: Anyone can make an ad and bid on a site. If you are able to work this blog, you can make an ad. It's very easy. And the site contains a search function to find folks who will place your ad (for free, or you specify the price you are willing).
When: The free ads are good for 2 days. OK, it's not long but I am already on two sites and loving it! (An Etsy blog, and a vegetarian site).
Don't hesitate to message me if you need help.
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Small Business
August 21st, 2008 at 06:32 pm
Summer vacation is over, school has started. That means back to work for me, the mom.
And now a commute by long range bus! Just 1.5 miles to the park n ride for a total of 3 miles commute. Instead of about 35 miles one way before. Wheee!
Wish you could see the beautiful bus pass. Big purple mountains majesty behind rows and rows of orange orchards.
Small but award winning design imo. And they gave me a free neck thingy to keep the pass safe and unlost all the time.
Bus fare vs gas costs are pretty close, but the mileage savings on my vehicle are humongous! Not to mention the good non-impact to the environment.
Blogging to resume. So many great activities, tips, ideas we had over the summer. See ya then!
Posted in
August 6th, 2008 at 04:17 pm
What do you say when you open an oyster and find a pearl inside?
So rare an occurrence now found on a regular basis!
'OYSTER' Necklace (Silver)

'OYSTER' Necklace (Gold)

These are mussel shells collected on the sandy California beaches. I just had a little fun placing a real freshwater pearl inside, some with a little flashy sparkle of swarovski crystal.
Zig zag swirl handmade bail made from silver filled and/or 10K/40 RGP wire. Hung from silverplate or goldplate chain.
Coming Soon! 'Oyster' Earrings, 'Oyster' Necklace & Earring Sets.
Posted in
August 6th, 2008 at 12:05 am
I met Frugal UpState on Twitter, ever heard of a vlog? Read on to find out what she says:
"In conjunction with their new motto "Save Money, Live Better", Walmart is creating a money saving community centered on YouTube. The eleven gurus have each received a Flip Video Camera to do vlog's (that's short for video blog). These vlogs will be posted on the Walmart channel (as well as here on [ed: my] site-actually I can even post them here on the site BEFORE they show up on the brand channel-yet another wonderful reason to subscribe to my feed).
Each of the gurus will also be featured on the site, with plenty of linkage back to our blogs. We will probably be highlighted in Walmart fliers, and probably interviewed and reported on in our home town papers at the very least.
The project will kick off shortly after Labor Day with a contest where everyone can enter a money saving video clip for a chance to win a years worth of free groceries from Walmart.
I am thrilled to be chosen for this project. One of the things that I appreciate the most about it is that Walmart is being very hands off. They want us to Vlog about whatever we, as the gurus, feel is important.
There are no scripts, guidance, or topics provided by Walmart, and they are not requiring us to get any sort of approval of our videos prior to posting. The videos are not supposed to be about Walmart. As a matter of fact, they chose one blogger knowing full well that she blogs extensively about saving money by playing the drugstore game at CVS.
There is a very real concern, both on the part of Walmart and of all of the eleven bloggers that we remain true to our own viewpoints and ethics. To be completely clear-this is not a paid position, and I am completely in control of my own content."
WOW! Here's to a good experience for her!
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