One Sunday a month I volunteer as a host at the Art Association Gallery. It is located at a marina, a moderate sized tourist attraction with restaurants, souvenir shops, and a National Park site within.
The gallery sees some foot traffic, but not as much as we'd like. The gallery atmosphere is on the spartan side. It is quiet (with low volume jazz or soft rock playing), uncluttered, with wares for young adults on up. Framed items, glass works, textiles and jewelry are displayed among other things.
Is this not enough in the age of clever media marketing?
Do people need to be bombarded with tempting signs, sales, and all the frills so common nowadays?
On the other hand, what about those shops that contain maybe 5 (stratospherically priced) purses or shoes? There's practically NOTHING in the store, yet they stay in business?
Ha! ha! Any thoughts welcome :->
Psyching Into the Shopping 'Experience'
June 4th, 2007 at 06:26 pm
June 4th, 2007 at 09:34 pm 1180989272
I hate those kinds of places. If I have to go in, I get what I need and get out as quickly as I can. But I'm an old fogie of 42. Ask a teen or 20-something and you'll probably get a different answer. So I think it depends on who your target audience is.
I think sales attract attention too. People would rather buy something marked $20 and 50% off than buy something marked $10 not on sale, even though the end result is the same. The first way, they feel like they are getting a bargain. Personally, I don't care but a lot of people do.
June 5th, 2007 at 01:07 am 1181002036
I want to spruce up the gallery a little, not alot. It's volunteer driven, ie cash poor. But filled with creative folks who can do something different yet popular given a push.
Our market is the older, wiser, richer, probably not teens. But it's time for them to kick it up a notch and take advantage of the location, the type of visitor (tourist and local families), etc.
Thx for the response!