Home > I'm Giving Away a $20 Starbucks Card (and it won't cost you a penny)

I'm Giving Away a $20 Starbucks Card (and it won't cost you a penny)

June 7th, 2007 at 03:03 pm

Time to celebrate earning 100 'hearts*' at Pretty Cheap Jewelry!

*Signifying shoppers who love my store.

I'm giving away a $20 Starbucks Card as THANKS!

To enter, join the mailing list by July 4.

1. Go to the website (click on the shop name in this blog left column)

2. Click on 'contact PrettyCheap' in the shop right margin.

(It will ask you to register with a username and password, just like you do here and on Amazon. Give yourself a jazzy avatar!)

3. In your 'contact' send me your e mail address.

That's all! I will let my 7-y-o girl pick the winner out of a hat at the end of the contest. You can talk with her about who wins!

BTW, I don't send annoying e mails, in fact I don't ANY e mails until I learn how to make up a decent newsletter. It might be a monthly issue when up and running smoothly.

THANKS for your time and GOOD LUCK!

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