Home > Free Coffee Break

Free Coffee Break

June 29th, 2007 at 05:04 pm

Last chance to get in on the $20 Starbucks Card Giveaway from Pretty Cheap Jewelry.

On July 4 a name will be picked from the (small pool) of those subscribing to our mailing list.

Want to try?

1. Go to

Text is and Link is

2. Contact prettycheap (click 'contact prettycheap in the lower right margin). Follow the instructions to register with Etsy (if you are not already).

3. Send your email in the contact.

That's all! It costs you nothing.

Don't worry you won't get alot of pesky emails. Just a one page, once a month newsletter filled with exclusive offers (to subscribers only), more freebies, and zany trivia.

(Regular readers, please bear with me this is the LAST time I will post this!)

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