Viewing the 'Small Business' Category
April 16th, 2007 at 11:28 pm
ARGHHH Does everyone else have such difficulties getting their computer upgraded?!
We are still having trouble with getting two home PCs running smoothly with a new DSL service and a wireless router.
1. After taking back a less expensive router about a week ago, the system worked better with a Netgear wireless (it goes transmits well between a top and bottom floor in the house).
2. Then the stupid system still was spotty, couldn't get to my EMAIL!!!!!!! Really a pain.
3. Patient husband wizard spoke to Netzero (our provider) who helped him lower a number in the DSL set up which made the 'packets' of information smaller that go over the line. (I'd like to send HIM a packet). Actually the number wasn't good enough, and husband took a guess at an even lower number which worked better.
4. Now the upstairs computer, which sits NEXT TO THE WIRELESS works okay, not great but at least I can get to my email. The downstairs computer is still SNAFU
I give UP!
It is as bad as your car breaking down. However, after the initial shock of a few days, you get used to NOT USING YOUR COMPUTER as much.
Breathe, breathe, I took yoga 3 years and need to go BACK! WHERE ARE MY FROWNING SMILEYS!!!????
The only good thing is trying to shift energy toward making wonderful crafts for my business with all the open time.
YES-added a beautiful mini-journal to the store as shown below. And the bouquet props are from my yard, so sweet.
Posted in
Small Business
April 10th, 2007 at 02:29 pm
I have a little internet store and the competition for jewelry is fierce! But I also enjoy cross stitching and in the past made christmas cards for special family receipients. (It's addicting...)
Instead of trying to sell just one card at a time (who would purchase a single card on the internet?? Even if it is really gorgeous?) I had the idea to make a set of Thank You cards in a box set.
Off to take pictures last weekend, and one set just sold in a day! No promotion.
Looks like the competition isn't so tough in this new category. Here's a picture of one in a Set of 3 in the shop-
Posted in
Small Business
March 26th, 2007 at 06:58 pm
I am 'advertising' eye candy for your easter basket :: NO CALORIES
This is for the person who can't live without American Idol.
It's available in my shop (click on Etsy: Pretty Cheap Jewelry under 'Sites I Frequent' right margin).
Thx for lookin
Posted in
Small Business
March 20th, 2007 at 01:46 pm
This book has many great free leads in advertising and marketing for small internet entrepreneurs.
And I took it out of the library! Yipee, free, free, free!
Posted in
Small Business
March 19th, 2007 at 05:21 pm
Relatively new, I am posting in Arts & Crafts for Sale instead of Jewelry (which is full of spammy high end commercial stuff).
Posted in
Small Business
March 16th, 2007 at 12:03 am
Just poppin' in to write in this great thrifty idea.
Display of jewelry is more important than it should be. But, it's true, a good display makes or breaks interest in the item.
The high end jewelers buy factory made displays. Everything matches, polished look, etc. At a cost which I'm unwilling to invest at this time.
Us hobbyists must be more creative and inventive.
Here is a professional, easy, inexpensive display idea I came up with. Photos below correspond to each heading. Did I mention these were inexpensive? These boards cost $0.80 ea to make (I made eight).
Foam Core Board, cut into your size need
Fabric, recommend short nap faux black fur
Hot glue gun
NOTE: Use a coupon for almost 1/2 off foam core board! One standard board made 4 jewelry displays for me.
NOTE: Use a coupon for the fabric! Instead of $17/yard black velvet (normally for jewelry display) I choose a nearly equivalent soft black faux fur on clearance for $3/yard.
Step 1.
Center board on fabric
Step 2.
Glue two opposing edges of fabric to back of board, stretching fabric slightly if necessary to maintain nice smooth front.
Step 3.
Glue remaining edges of fabric to back of board, tucking in and making neat corners.
Step 4.
Mount items on board with straight pins and display on stand (available at craft store in the photo frame area).

Posted in
Small Business
March 3rd, 2007 at 03:06 am
I'm going to take an indefinite break from this blog. It might be awhile, like Mr. Winkle.
Needed is more time into marketing and promoting Pretty Cheap Jewelry, just turning 1-year-old. So off in search of more bargain lovers, jewelry aficiandos, and crafting audiences.
It's been a good time. A nice crowd here, educated, helpful, positive and not too inexperienced in life.
I'll be looking in now and then at the forums, a post here and there. So keep on keep on. Thanks, 
ps, they have the greatest smilies here anyway.
Posted in
Small Business
February 27th, 2007 at 05:13 pm
Rings & Things (a major catalog bead supply) runs an annual design contest.
Maybe will enter these earrings (LOVE briolettes). 
Their words: "All entries must be submitted online or postmarked by 11:59 p.m. (PST) Monday, March 5.
Prizes range from $50 to $750 Rings & Things gift certificates. In addition,
all winners and additional top picks are featured in our online Design Gallery, and some designs may be featured (with credit to the designer) in our catalog and promotions. That's exposure to over two million people worldwide, which you can use for "as-seen-in" promotions of your own!
Enter up to three pieces, and choose from six contest categories. For details and to enter, see: http://www.rings-things.com/contest/2007/index.htm
To review last year's winners and additional top picks, go to:
Posted in
Small Business
February 20th, 2007 at 06:56 pm
Ever searched Yahoo groups for bargain shoppers?
There are a dozen which WANT you to post for sale items. Check out Bargain-Finder, ForSaleCheap, A-Big-Sale, etc. There are hundreds of members, at least a small percentage of which really want to bargain shop.
Your 'ads' get delivered right to a person, unlike posting for sale on Craig's in which you wait for someone to see you.
There is some terrible spamming, but not enough to discourage me from getting delivered to hundreds and hundreds of email boxes.
And while you think it over, plan ahead for Mother's Day! Richly made pearl spray earrings in traditional gold and red and white are available from Pretty Cheap Jewelry for $10 Text is www.prettycheap.etsy.com and Link is www.prettycheap.etsy.com Thanks for looking.
Posted in
Small Business
February 16th, 2007 at 01:53 pm
I was invited by the Australian Gem Club to sell items on their internet marketplace (auction/buy it now).
They charge no fees whatsoever. I don't know their reputation, but the site looks well constructed.
It looks neweish and is free of spam so far and I hope it stays that way.
Great opportunity, visit Pretty Cheap Jewelry there if you like!
Text is www.search-the-world.com/auctions/index.php and Link is www.search-the-world.com/auctions/index.php
Posted in
Small Business
February 12th, 2007 at 06:48 pm
Two (as yet unreviewed personally), but highly recommended sites for small business advice with loads of free info:
Text is www.smartbiz.com and Link is www.smartbiz.com
This was referenced in a 'Small Business for Dummies' type book which indicated this site refrained from alot of extraneous advertising and got you straight to the info.
Text is www.marketingprofs.com and Link is www.marketingprofs.com
This was given to me by an experienced advisor from the Small Business Development Center. They are a resource available in my area associated with the community college. FREE small business advisors! So lucky to have such a service. Especially look at the archived articles within this site, covers all topics (marketing, taxes, you name it). You can subscribe for their newsletter free I think.
Posted in
Small Business
February 6th, 2007 at 02:40 pm
The home-based jewelry businesses have a continual raging debate on pricing. Those creating for a living (or a substantial income) are infuriated with those who do it for a hobby.
In the end it's always a stalemate. Life reverts back to demand and supply, the market shall govern.
Here's my latest creation (below, at least I'm trying), which is intended for an art show in April. I'm setting the price higher than I used to, however, lower than the pros.
Three filigree butterflies anchor the double strand, hand made chain composed of pearl, amethyst, tiger eye, fiber optic, gold tone, and glass beads. Matching earrings are hung on gold plated wires. 
Posted in
Small Business
February 1st, 2007 at 06:46 pm
My small artisan jewelry crafting business has been a creative pleasure positively affecting my otherwise professional and family lives (except for the computer blogging time consumed!)
Yet it's been a struggle to label myself: entrepreneur? artist? jewelry designer? small business owner?
I've passed the city-supported Arts Association gallery for years, and from the exterior it was always a bit imposing and slickly professional.
Wishing to expand Pretty Cheap Jewelry's horizons, I went in yesterday to see if I fit in. WHOOPEE! It instantly felt like home. The exhibits were interesting but not stand offish in the least. Two cases of jewelry were comparably priced as my own. I breathed a large sigh of relief.
The attendent was another jewelry designer I intentionally stopped by to visit. She introduced me to the gallery manager, they were both hugely supportive.
Needless to say, I forked over the moderate membership fee and gleefully signed up to volunteer. THEY WANT ME TO EXHIBIT, SELL and do it again.
I'll try to get used to calling myself a jewelry designer
Here's one to exhibit-
Victorian Cupid Bangle
Composed of a mixture of vintage and new glass beads in varying golds. A cupid charm dangles from the end.
Posted in
Small Business
January 25th, 2007 at 12:09 am
Here are my new car magnets for Pretty Cheap Jewelry.
In car obsessed California, I feel arrived.
Nothing silly about the fact that the instant they went on every little mile is a business tax deduction.
Posted in
Small Business
December 14th, 2006 at 09:06 pm
Pretty Cheap Jewelry is not a small business, it is a teensy tiny eeny weeny business.
Please help me understand the workings of the business world. I handmake things for fun and love and surely price myself too low.
Does anyone understand Google Adwords (on a small scale?) and speak english not computerese? I have a small account and they have given me a $25 credit to get started. I have given it a $2/month budget and get a few clicks a week (my little ad probably appears on the 10th page of a google search).
Any advertising savings ideas welcome. I shamelessly promote, using many guerilla marketing techniques. But it's hard to drive traffic to my internet store.
Thanks for the help.
Posted in
Small Business