Home > Good Inexpensive Wine, Suggestions?

Good Inexpensive Wine, Suggestions?

August 28th, 2008 at 08:26 pm

At the farmer's market weekend craft fairs I vended throughout this summer, a local singer/songwriter/musician duo performed tirelessly to attract shoppers. I enjoyed the music greatly at least a dozen times. And yes, it helped with foot traffic.

The craft fair end of the market was organized by a non-profit environmental association which paid the musicians modestly. Everyone involved with this summer long event made donations in - time, sales percent, kid's activities, and the like.

I want to show special appreciation to the musicians and am planning a (huge) wine and treat basket. The cost won't be huge because:

* I already have the basket with ample crinkled cushion paper
* Bought 4 wine glasses at the 99c store
* Plan to get a couple big 1 lb choc bars which the grocery store has frequently for $1

Now for the expenses, I'd like one white, and one red wine. Shall I go to Trader Joes and pick out something in the under $10 range each?

The remainder may be little cracker and cheese snacks, unless you want to post additional inexpensive ideas.


10 Responses to “Good Inexpensive Wine, Suggestions?”

  1. Analise Says:

    Trader Joe's has a good selection. I even drink their "Two Buck Chuck" from time to time, but you may want to go a little better for your celebration. :-)

  2. davera Says:

    What a nice gesture of appreciation! And what a terrific community summer long event.

    For the white wine, I'd recommend Trader Joe's Proseco. It's a yummy bubbly sparkling wine, and it will lend a festive celebratory touch to your basket. It's under $10.

    You can also get a big cellophane bag to wrap the basket at the dollar store.

  3. gruntina Says:

    Definitely not the Marilyn Merlot that a previous poster was talking about. (Wink!)

  4. Michelle Says:

    I'm not sure if they have this at TJ's or not, but if you can find Rex Goliath Pinot Noir I highly recommend it. It has the advantage of being less known then $2 buck chuck so people don't know how much you spent. Plus it's awesome!! I routinely bring it as a hostess gift and people always enjoy it.
    Last time I bought a bottle it was $7.49.

  5. Ima saver Says:

    What is two buck chuck??

  6. gabyperu Says:

    You can try, barefoot white wine , I tried it because I read good reviews about this wine on aol and I liked it, it is no more expensive than $6.50 at any supermarket.

  7. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    *busy taking notes*

  8. swimgirl Says:

    For a gift?! Not $2 Chuck!

    Try BevMo and ask for help. Tell them you'd like a bottle of wine for under $10 that tastes like more than $10. They should have lots of suggestions.

    I would never use $2 Chuck for anything but spaghetti sauce!

  9. gruntina Says:

    I second Barefoot wine. The Pinot Gringio(spelling?) white wine is good. They even have a dessert white wine called Moscato under that brand. It is pretty sweet though. For red, I loved the Shiraz!

  10. my english castle Says:

    I think $2 Chuck white(Ima--it's Trader Joe's house brand) is lovely, but the red, while we drink it, is not suitable for a gift, unless it's a gift to the guy sitting on the street corner.

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