Home > Two Shopping Trips are Better Than One?!

Two Shopping Trips are Better Than One?!

September 5th, 2013 at 03:09 pm

You are busy right? But you are smart and make a grocery list to keep you from impulse shopping at the store, right? You just get in the store, pick out the listed things and get out as efficiently as possible, right? Well don’t fill that whole list, ok? That seems counter intuitive but it will save money.

Here’s why: How many times have you come out of the drug store or grocery store with receipt coupons for something you just bought? These coupons are usually a pretty high savings (higher than the mass printed coupons in the newspaper for example) because they are targeted just to you. The store systems know what you buy and want you to repeat those purchases. Therefore you get a big incentive coupon to do so!

Yesterday I went to CVS for dental supplies and had mascara on the list in hopes of a good store sale. Alas, there was no BOGO and I just didn’t want to pay full price. I even scan my CVS card at the store coupon center and did not get a make up coupon. So the mascara didn’t get in the basket. And SURPRISE! I got a very good coupon on my cash register receipt ($5 off a $15 purchase). This will cover the price of nearly one whole mascara and I will get two.

So leave something off the list that can wait a couple days. See what coupon you get and use it to buy the item the next trip.

Here's a way to say Happy Birthday with a (wacky) smile ~

One of a Kind Collage Cards
Give a card like no other! My original cards are full of personality, appeal to the odd humor in your friends and family, and are guaranteed to make them smile.

Hot Dog Face Birthday

Great for kids or a guy, do you spy the egg?

Walking Backpack

In case you missed the important day, this card will surely elicit forgiveness.

Red Heel Head Chick

Cute? Weird? Different that's sure. I love it!

Thanks for all those FB likes (I notice).

2 Responses to “Two Shopping Trips are Better Than One?!”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    I am very much digging the cards. Big Grin

  2. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    Thx MM - even got my kids helping on some the past long weekend. Nice to have a laugh with the silent treatment teen boy and blinded by hormones teen girl Smile

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