My favorite reply whenever I heard other mothers sigh and say 'they grow up so fast' was: "You don't remember!! The constant interruption? Not being able to finish a complete thought for years? Your memory is so selective!"
Having gas in the car, milk and water in the house some weeks when my kids were grade school age was a minor miracle!
Getting them to eat healthy, sleep enough, stay off the TV, and read books was a full time job.
Yada yada yada...whatever.
Today my two go back to school. My oldest is a sophomore at a magnet school which means there is no bus in our neighborhood for it. Last year I drove him, being a freshman it just helped in the transition. The last couple months last year he rode his bike back and forth (about 5 mi one way). A couple of his friends in our neighborhood were doing the same and he joined up with them.
This year, then, my oldest decided to ride his bike to school every day. It is a step toward independence. No longer does he wait on someone else to do what he needs to do.
My pain? Y'know how sometimes important moments happen in those unplanned times? Such as in the car driving to school. Especially with a rather clammed up teen boy. That opportunity is no longer a daily occurrence.
Maybe I would see what girls say 'hi' to him when I dropped him at school (you better believe he wouldn't tell me on his own!). Maybe I would just ask in the car, 'Are you ready for this or that exam?' and some other thing in his life would surface.
yah whatever. Life goes on!!
Gotta leave you with a smile ok? Etsy pays for google product ads, they pick privately out of the million things on the Etsy site. My things seem to get regularly picked, just for a day here and there. This one has a google product ad today, must be under 'funny get well cards'.
Hope all you moms with school kids out there keep the chin up!
August 20th, 2013 at 06:22 pm 1377019379
August 20th, 2013 at 06:42 pm 1377020550
My boys went off to the bus stop themselves today (OK, it is really over two houses (we live at the center of a cul-de-sac, so I can spy without being seen). I was all set to accompany them, and the 6th grader said, "Ma, I got this one." The youngest one gave a big smile and wave. They're certainly on their way to being big boys
August 20th, 2013 at 06:51 pm 1377021110
August 20th, 2013 at 07:01 pm 1377021710
August 20th, 2013 at 07:10 pm 1377022211
August 20th, 2013 at 08:29 pm 1377026961
August 21st, 2013 at 03:44 am 1377053076
My mom hated all 4 of us being home all summer, LOL. The first day of school was the happiest day of the year for her.