Home > Newest and Best Yet

Newest and Best Yet

July 11th, 2013 at 05:37 pm

I have admired wire work in jewelry for a couple years. It looks so detailed and fancy, I loved that it was made from simple wire and beads. No power tools, no torch or chemicals. Just a big dose of patience and imagination.

Here's some examples:

Text is Google Images for WIre Wrapped Pendants and Link is,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49147516,d.cGE&fp=49b44e6b8b60b0ff&biw=1287&bih=656
Google Images for WIre Wrapped Pendants

Usually I can figure out how to make things, but this type of work looks perfect without a start and end. Never fear! When an master wire worker gave some free written downloadable lessons on line, I jumped on them!

Determined to carve out some time between the day job, the kids, the husband, the dog and yadda yadda yadda. I made myself LEARN!! The first attempt came out beautiful.

Beginner's Luck?

In fact, that one went right into a shop. Ditto a second. Now I am working on a series for fall and winter shows and online sales.

Oval and Teal

Triple Curl

Mine are made with non precious metal wire and glass/freshwater pearls/crystals. My prices online will be starting at $25. The experts work with sterling silver wire and their prices are double and triple of course due to material.

Having a great summer!

4 Responses to “Newest and Best Yet ”

  1. Sian Says:

    it's very beautiful!

  2. PatientSaver Says:

    i like the first one best!

  3. MonkeyMama Says:


  4. My English Castle Says:


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