Actually, had a couple cheap dates. Alot of areas hold 'First Friday' open houses at local art businesses. Many are happy hour type gatherings with music, light refreshments, entertainment, and speakers. Most of the artistic shops in the area work together and make a 'map' of where to go, what to do. Check your town events, do you have one? You probably do!!
Like when the big stores have a grand opening and give away freebies and whatnot, a very high objective of First Fridays is simply to get you in the door. Why? Once you've visited, the place is on your mental map.
There is NO sales pressure!! The arts community is supremely happy to just increase attendence and attract new (hopefully future) customers.
It's FUN! I have no art education, and still went this past Friday. The first stop was to hear an artist talk about the show of her aerial photography. Nothing abstract or complicated, easy to understand! The gallery is a fairly formal setting, but the people very warm and interesting! The artist's spouse poured his home brew beer! How interesting is that!!
My guess is this artist was only a couple years out of college, and was very appreciative of the 20 or so in attendence. There was a simple raffle of one photo, $2 a ticket. Very nice to have won (but we didn't).
We walked to a second venue which was having a bike themed show. Easy subject again. We missed a video and a band but saw the art.
Happily ended the night at a little bistro near where we parked. Pulled out my (school fundraiser) discount card, and shared a 25% off ricotta/spinach pizza with my sweet guy and one glass of wine between us. There was an upbeat dance'able band and it was a delight to hang out for awhile.
Date #2 was with my sewing machine! I finally had a Sunday to get these mini silk bags done:
Daddy's Little Purse Strings
Made for the smart phone, by the smart and Frugal Artisan using fine retired silk men's ties.
A few of the variety of patterns and beaded enclosures. All with shoulder strap. Contact me to order, $15 ea. (plus shipping)
Had a Cheap Date!
April 9th, 2013 at 09:48 pm