The folks are getting older at our annual extended family gathering in December. That's good because the gift giving has dropped off! Thankfully, this generation has gravitated toward giving less to each other and more to any kids in the group. The reason to gather is to be together. So far, so good.
My kids were the last young ones usually around and they are already 12 and 14. There are a few new little kids, but the families are out of town and do not come to the party. WOOT! (sort of, because it would be nice to see them).
This year, however, there are two new additions: a baby born this past fall (with 2 brothers of unknown age I've not met); and a 1 1/2 year old (first kid). The kids dads are both nephews of my husband's. I've known these dads for many years but have only met the mother's once (or not at all).
Hmmmm. So I want to be welcoming even though there have been a number of divorce and disappearing acts in the past. Here's what I'm going to do.
Got It
2 good size oval baskets - Nice sturdy clean starter! How lucky I took these free from a store give away last year.
Wood puzzles (3-D interlocking type) to make a dinosaur, car, building. Gotten in past years at the craft store when they were a dollar or two. But if these look to hard for kids under 10 I'll skip them.
A couple canned jars homemade applesauce.
A couple canned jars of homemade granola (got the ingredients already).
Dad size BBQ apron (made an extra last summer when I made one for my husband)
Get It
A scour of the thrift store/library sale shelf should result in some good kid's books. Ones for the babies will be more picture style. Ones for the boys of unknown age will be perhaps I SPY, puzzle or interactive style.
A set of baby plate/cups for the babies.
For the boys, a gingerbread house decorating kit.
Make It
A set of cloth napkins to go with the dad's apron.
Pack It
Pack #1 basket with the foods, big boy books and a gingerbread house kit.
Pack #2 basket with the foods, baby cup/plate, apron and napkins.
books = $5 or so
house = $5 with Michael's coupon
plate = $5 or so
cloth = $5 or less
Two big gifts for $20 or less, custom made with the family in mind.
What would you pack up in basket #1? or basket #2?
Two big gifts under $20 total - Can You Top That?
November 13th, 2012 at 10:07 pm