Home > Tip 1: How to give to someone who has everything

Tip 1: How to give to someone who has everything

September 7th, 2012 at 03:38 pm

Another trip around the sun, another time to put on the thinking cap for something that says "You're Loved", that makes my husband feel appreciated, and doesn't cost me $100. Oh, and if possible, isn't little itty bitty and needs electricity!!

How do you give something to someone who basically has it all? Or as my daughter says when we try to make out a little birthday gift list, "Mom, he can just go buy this whenever he wants."

Read on below this picture of what I am doing with colored sea glass lately!

Sapphire Blue Sea Glass Earrings

Sea glass seems so much like a treasure and has a magical quality. Maybe because it is made directly from the qualities of nature; wave and sand action creating the matted surface. And colored sea glass!! A truly rare find. These two nuggets are a pure sapphire blue. I've handmade wire cages and added a bit of gold glass to enhance the gorgeous hue. A really classy pair of earrings.

Tip #1
Secretly take notes during the year about things a person mentions needing or is particularly interested in.

In my situation it's been anything from audio books (on subjects I would NEVER have remembered) to any manner of tools that would have helped on a past home improvement project.

Oh! and as far as the itty bitty electronics, I have finally seen the light and take notes on my PHONE!!!! Yes I use that little yellow notepad and have one note for every subject such as: Michaels, Dad Bday, and so on. Why not? That dang little phone is nearby me most of the time anyway. (don't say 'I TOLD YOU SO')

So here's what's on the note called Dads Bday:

o 5 to 7 padlocks, keyed the same. OK, is there anysuch thing as a locksmith anymore?! I bet this would cost almost $100 anyway.

o Shoehorn. Really! He mentioned this many mornings getting dressed at 6am, and he has just so happened to remember to look when we were on vacation going through antique malls and thrift stores. But he seems to be picky!! No metal. Yes, I secretly tapped it into my phone notepad!

o Bathroom Remodel Handyman Guide. He's going to DIY to ours starting soon {send me patience!}. And this was a cinch for me to get after researching awhile on my paperbackswap and Amazon accounts. A big (used) hardback comprehensive guide is coming to our house for $3.99.

o Big Heavy Gauge Aluminum Stock Pot. First of all, this year he decided to make tomato sauce from scratch. I warned him it is hugely time consuming and we already do it easily with Smart and Final size tomato puree adding seasoning and doing the canning. But he was determined! he:
(1) He planted extra tomatoes;
(2) did a blanching;
(3) screened with his trusty Vittorio machine {AH! a previous gift from me, it is a handcrank mill that de-skins and de-seeds}

We have a couple large stock pots, but one is a lightweight stainless and the other an ancient aluminum. He remarked that he is unsatisfied with both (he burns things too easily) and wish he had one like his mom used to have.

Well, these are about $100. Or more. He looked around already and turned down a fairly good one at Kmart (enameled porcelain). So I will look into what is out there at Sur La Table and/or Bed Bath Beyond.

More tips coming soon, stay tuned.

2 Responses to “Tip 1: How to give to someone who has everything ”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    My 1946 pressure cooker is heavy gauge aluminum and such a useful pot! We use it for stews, rice, oatmeal, grits, and yes, tomato cook-down---anything that could stick. If you cannot find suitable new, look for old. Wink
    Been wanting to tell you that I really like the angular bends you've been putting on your jewelry. It looks more skilled and deliberate than the gentle curved bends.

  2. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    First, thanks for the compliments!! Smart guy in fact examined an old pressure cooker and remarked the size (at least of the one we saw) was not big enough. We need a tall one, almost like a hot water bath pot. Wish me luck.

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