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Click if you remember these...

August 10th, 2012 at 05:45 pm

Two is the number. Two house projects accomplished. Two big items sold on craig's list. Two craft events left on summer vacation.

When the kids are out of school I don't work at the office. It's a benefit of part time employment (but don't forget there's always the 'no work no pay' clause!). Anyway, those days are a great time for working on house projects. I love the do-it-yourself, low-cost jobs. In the past? Bleach the tile grout! Better arrange the backyard stepping stones and edge pavers! Give the wood and leather furniture a serious treatment with oil soaps and polish!

This year it was time for two jobs: clean up the garage workshop and paint my daughter's room.

Working in the Workshop

My husband's workshop is a great asset, but I can't find anything! He'll use hardware, tools and but put them away 'later' (read: never). Instead of nagging, I just decided to clean it up myself. Click if you remember these:

Here's another classic, worth ~$25 on eBay? (no bids last time I looked though!):

There were buckets of soil (that might contain gold flecks!) and black bags with unknown contents (golf clubs) and memorabilia from the 1984 Olympics.

Most of the stuff was saved, my purpose was to clean up not clean out. But two things went up for sale, one gone already:

Well mission accomplished!

Workout Means Working In Kid's Room
The 2nd big job of the summer was a result of my kid breaking her toe on her metal bedframe when practicing a figure skate move in her room. Oops. I agreed it was time to replace the thrift store frame with a proper, preferably wooden, bed. We started looking on craig's list for a good candidate.

In the meantime, she had asked to paint her room a new color. I resisted knowing how big this project truly was. There was the wall paper border to remove, the diy lace enclosure around her bed that I had hung from the ceiling when she was little. The color was coral, something I had picked out about 10 years ago.

So I made her a deal. If she would clear out a load of clutter, we could paint. I knew that EVERYTHING had to come out and it WOULD NEVER fit all back in. She had way too many stuffed animals, old school artwork, birthday party favor knickknacks.

And...she did it! I knew she was serious about painting. On the next Monday, instead of the office, I got to work in the bedroom. Down with the wallpaper, in with the wall patch, up with the touch up paint.

Off to the paint store. After rearranging the old furniture and with a lowly $30 gallon of we worked together and transformed the place.

Our budget let me go further and invest in a new bed (craig's did not come through this time) for a very affordable price under $400. And though I normally would sew, we shopped and bought a new bedspread and curtains (with 5 or 6 Bed Bath and Beyond coupons).

My kid is happy and I am pleased she made the decisions on her own, not what a friend has or what the neighbors are doing.

Two Craft Sale Dates For the Summer
This Saturday I have a novel way to beat the heat. It's a regional figure skate competition all day at the ice rink and I'll have a booth from 8am - 8pm. Hope these get attention:

Sea Glass Jewelry

One of a kind pieces of sea glass are enclosed by wire in artistic jewelry. I collected this sea glass in British Columbia and used them in my own handmade accessory craft. See more of the collection

Text is here and Link is
here (shown: white spear with mnit green wire, coffee brown glass and stone bracelet with copper wire).

2 Responses to “Click if you remember these...”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Good Job being so productive!

  2. CaroDee Says:


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