It happened again. Just yesterday I pondered how to increase sales in holiday venues for my artful jewelry and crafts. Display more? Adjust prices? In particular I pointed out a pair of earrings that were personal favorites, but which did not seem to attract attention in person. I wondered if the price was a bit high, but hesitate to have at least a small compensation for time and design talent and certainly cannot sell at a loss.
Surprise! One of the pairs in question was just purchased today by a first time visitor to
Double scroll links with a garnet dot accent, on 12K gold filled hooks.
One pair left, available by special order only.
It has happened before that I nearly give something away just to be pleasantly surprised with it being sold in the next day or two.
So with this experience I summon more patience in showing and promoting the (what I think are really great) naturally shed feather barrettes like these:
Sweeping peacock feather, large gull wing and royal blue metallic bow are mounted on a clip hair barrette. Feathers are hot this year, and this barrette lasts longer and costs much less than the crimp styles. More photos here
Two gull wing feathers topped by a large sheer copper bow are mounted on a clip hair barrette. More photos here
THANKS for giving me a bit of your time!
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