Home > Homemade Shrinky Dinks, or Amazing what you can ReUse

Homemade Shrinky Dinks, or Amazing what you can ReUse

April 26th, 2011 at 04:45 pm

April 22 is past, but you frugal and thrifty thinkers know recycling, reusing and reducing are an everyday habit. Below is part of an entry in the PaperBackSwap Earth Day contest. I've seen others do crafting with shrinky dink plastic but haven't paid much attention though it looks fun to try. This no-cost idea is going to make testing the waters EASY!! Save this tip for a superb summer vacation boredom buster !! And pass to others if you think it's good (click the 'tweet' button left sidebar).

Take #6 plastics and reuse them for shrinky dinks. You can find this plastic sometimes on disposable drink lids, clear disposable salad containers, strawberry containers, etc. Just cut out your shape (they will shrink quite a bit!), punch a hole in the top (optional) and bake on a foil covered cookie sheet in the oven for 2-3 minutes at 350 degrees. They will curl up and flatten back out, just like store bought shrinky dinks.

Here are some examples from Etsy with shrink plastic...

Shown above

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1 Responses to “Homemade Shrinky Dinks, or Amazing what you can ReUse”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    Great tip!

    We use shrinky dinks for name tags at family camp. So, my MIL got the idea to make a shrinky dink bracelet for dh before his big surgery. All his friends/family made him one. It was such a neat idea. One that could have been much cheaper, and even more creative, apparently. Wink
    But the kids love them, so we will have to try this.

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