No, I don't mean a short work out or only a little sweat. My kid is lovin' a $1 exercise app he put on his iPod. I'm lovin' that he is jumping around. It's by some football player and he is attracted to anything football lately. OK, for ONCE I am not bugging him to get moving.
If that story is about smart frugal and wholesome habits, the next is about happily ever after earning. It involves a 1-day table fair that I vended last Saturday. My younger came along for the day with a small collection of mini cards and friendship bracelets I encouraged her to make and put up for sale.
A lady came and bought all her cards. This person spent time at every table with much interest. Although my kid was polite, she later told me it wasn't a real customer because the person was doing it to be nice. WELL.... I took a little time explaining that the cards attracted her in the first place and she wanted to try out the design herself. That is a compliment simply for the work. OK, she thought about it and it sunk in. Later, the artist next to us (a young woman surfer who was really down to earth anyway) decided to buy 5 friendship bracelets. WOOT, it was nice to have success for my kid.
For the first day off of school this week I sat down and took apart some crystal heart and pearl earrings that just never got loved! Here they are reincarnated for Mother's Day, graduates, and holiday fests:
Knotted Pearl and Coral Bracelet w/Heart Charm
All in a day's work!
Teeny Tiny Workout
April 5th, 2011 at 03:57 am