I love love love old books. When travelling in the east US there isn't anything more interesting than looking in the forgotten thrift / antique store corners for old books. Doesn't really matter the subject though I have a tendency toward science, academics. And a plate (illustration) with a protective tissue paper cover SWOON it's enough to make me faint.
ha ha. OK, today I went back to the library book sale shelf where they are trying to really unload. The normal $2 hardback and $1 soft cover prices are 1/2 OFF! WOOT!
I had gone about a week ago and RESISTED. But not before I sat and read the entire copy of a 1959 edition of Ben Hur. Complete with color illustrations, it is a youth version. (Not suitable for anyone under 8 in my opinion though!!).
For $1. I sloooowly put it back that day. In a spot where I'd remember in case I changed my mind. I just didn't want to spend even a few dollars on what was not necessary.
This week I have a several spending dollars. In preparation of going away for half the week I went back determined to get my teen boy some books. He was with me.
SO HAPPY. Ben Hur I missed you!! I snatched it up. And the kid found Da Vinci Code.
Here's the other treasures in my bag:
Ship of Gold. The true story of sunken treasure off Carolina and the guys who haul it up.
After recently reading Drawing in the Dust (a novel written by a rabbi about a discovery of Jeremiah, the prophet) and now Ken Follet's Pillars of the Earth (historical fiction on the making of medieval cathredrals), I was attracted to this:
The Secret Scroll another archeologic novel with loads of true details set in Jeruselum.
I am soooooooooooooo happy spending $5.50 brings me such joy!!!
And an old book about creature habits, and an old copy of Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet were there. $1 ea. JUST SAYIN' maybe I will be back soon.
April 6th, 2011 at 05:49 am 1302065381