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Rare Book?!

April 5th, 2011 at 11:35 pm

I love love love old books. When travelling in the east US there isn't anything more interesting than looking in the forgotten thrift / antique store corners for old books. Doesn't really matter the subject though I have a tendency toward science, academics. And a plate (illustration) with a protective tissue paper cover SWOON it's enough to make me faint.

ha ha. OK, today I went back to the library book sale shelf where they are trying to really unload. The normal $2 hardback and $1 soft cover prices are 1/2 OFF! WOOT!

I had gone about a week ago and RESISTED. But not before I sat and read the entire copy of a 1959 edition of Ben Hur. Complete with color illustrations, it is a youth version. (Not suitable for anyone under 8 in my opinion though!!).

For $1. I sloooowly put it back that day. In a spot where I'd remember in case I changed my mind. I just didn't want to spend even a few dollars on what was not necessary.

This week I have a several spending dollars. In preparation of going away for half the week I went back determined to get my teen boy some books. He was with me.

SO HAPPY. Ben Hur I missed you!! I snatched it up. And the kid found Da Vinci Code.

Here's the other treasures in my bag:

Text is The Making of The Oxford English Dictionary, Simon Winchester. and Link is
The Making of The Oxford English Dictionary, Simon Winchest...This is the popular author who has been writing historical stories about Darwin, volcanoes, and the like.

Text is Ship of Gold and Link is
Ship of Gold. The true story of sunken treasure off Carolina and the guys who haul it up.

After recently reading Drawing in the Dust (a novel written by a rabbi about a discovery of Jeremiah, the prophet) and now Ken Follet's Pillars of the Earth (historical fiction on the making of medieval cathredrals), I was attracted to this:

Text is The Secret Scroll and Link is
The Secret Scroll another archeologic novel with loads of true details set in Jeruselum.

I am soooooooooooooo happy spending $5.50 brings me such joy!!!

And an old book about creature habits, and an old copy of Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet were there. $1 ea. JUST SAYIN' maybe I will be back soon.

1 Responses to “Rare Book?!”

  1. miclason Says:

    I have a couple treasures in my of them is a copy of Rubhayat that my Dad gave to me... he also gave me 2 books specifically for Ale, for when she grows up (they are history books, one is European history, the other one collects the findings of an archeaologist travelling through Mayan lands)...she just became interested in such topics (she´s almost 11), but her English is still not good enough for those books yet... so they are still waiting, waiting, waiting on a shelf in my room...

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