What does November mean to you? Gobble up pies and mashed potatoes? Cozy sweaters and boots? Here in Pretty Cheap Jewelry Land it is the month of weekend arts/craft boutiques. Over the years, I have picked and chosen the biggest bang for the buck shows and am busy setting up/taking down and staffing my tables.
Two shows start the season this weekend; a three day event with the best reputation in town. The Cadillac of Christmas boutiques, this show has a waiting list and a loyal following. I get 1 (ONE) six foot table (half of the regular size, but also half of the fee). That's not much. But I have a rack with 6 boards to display lots of small jewelry, and a nice compact wire tree to hang Bauble Bulbs (jewelry in a glass ornament). I bring my better inventory like these:
Curl Candy Color Earrings
14K GF curls accented with pastel colored zircon stone
The second show of the weekend is at the neighboring small town, a very very charming community. The art society holds a weekend shop in the historic railroad depot, sweet! It is a different crowd, perhaps a bit more simple than sophisticated. I usually get one big table and bring more casual wares, including cards and young fashions like this:
Needlework Card
Pretty beaded needlework card makes a big impression
Today I was offered a second table at this show! WOOT! I would love to spread out and will bring some new 'Recycled Box Books' like this:
Wheaties - Journal of Champs
Slim journal features 20 blank vellum pages and a cereal box cover!
Wish me many sales!
Got Double the Space!
November 2nd, 2010 at 08:34 pm
November 3rd, 2010 at 04:12 pm 1288800761
Hey! Remember the earrings you made for my daughter for the Oireachtas two years ago? She's wearing them for Christmas this year. I really like the ones you've showcased here.