Home > Watch Collection Spring 2010

Watch Collection Spring 2010

June 3rd, 2010 at 06:03 pm

Am pleased to show my latest finished work. Watches are a timeless gift, suitable for all occasion. And as you should suspect, these are great quality though priced very affordably. I remain true to my name ...

Warm red and peach tones are an eye catching attraction on a fancy bracelet band. Oval abalone accented with two-tone stripes, large faceted rondelles, coral and sparkling glass dress up a day just enough.

Understated simplicity, rich style. Classic design of 3 strands pale mint colored flourite stone bands with antique silvertone accents throughout.

Modern and casual. Serpentine stone bars separated with matte glass pearl and a single rich mauve colored glass bead on each band.

Formal black and white fashion perfect for evening and special occasion. Polished black stone edged with sparkling crystals, silvertone accents throughout.

All watches size medium, feature toggle clasps. Battery included.

Order any of the above items and get a second watch free (shown below). All watches gift boxed. All watches priced $25.00 (shipping not included). OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 5 DAYBREAK.

Free Watch features earthtones in stone and glass around an antiqued silvertone face. Fancy numbers, detailed rim and toggle clasp.

Contact me at to order.

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