Home > So NOT spendy on gifts!

So NOT spendy on gifts!

October 13th, 2009 at 08:04 pm

Have my list, checking it twice.

My kids are pre-teen and approaching the age of electronics (er, more so than already??).

But I always prefer active, educational gifts at birthdays and holidays. So that leaves out movies, music, video games, and mindless whatnot.

Chapter 1 - The Boy

1. He asked for a 'cruising' skateboard. His current skateboard is for tricks and is admittedly getting rather banged up. Been racking my brain how to come up with a good solution without spending a small fortune. BINGO!! I called the resale sports store and YES they have them. OK, hopefully their selection has a model that is good, great or passable but I'm jazzed that I'll be able to put one under the tree.

2. It's time. Or rather, he needs a watch. Easy peasy with a trip to Target or a coupon to Penneys.

3. And a cell phone. So fortunately our plan is really inexpensive to add a line, something like $10/mo. No internet, texting or junk of course. Husband wants to give the boy mine and give me a new one. Whatever, ok.

4. Little (educational, active) stuff. Books, puzzles, chewing gum, pajamas. Ok, the last stuff isn't educational, fine.

Chapter 2 - The Girl
(coming soon)

And a few ideas for YOUR unspendy gifts.

Cute dolphin charms leap under abalone moon and sparkling swarovski crystal stars. A rainbow of pastel colors; lavendar, mint, cocoa, powder blue (not shown), butter (not shown). Only $5.99 ea.
Order at:

Text is Pretty Cheap Jewelry and Link is
Pretty Cheap Jewelry

Thanks for the time to peek!

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