Once upon a time there were 3 crafting entreprenuers.
Forward Fashion Number One concentrated on just two kinds of products and (probably unconsciously) made them to follow the style of the moment.
Sweet Thing Number Two had an abundance of good intentions but never built her dream.
Practical Personality Number Three sweated the slow days, rejoiced in the occasional big day, and kept on keeping on.
All three had success, albeit in varying degree. Which was I?
WOW! I did some summer accounting to help me decide how much to spend at this weekend's Gem and Mineral Wholesale show.
May-Aug Expenses
Fees for 10 Sat Farmer Market Booths ~ $115
Fee for annual Art Assoc membership ~ $130
State Sales Tax ~ $80
Fee for annual City Biz License ~$55
TOTAL Summer Fees ~ $380
May-Aug Income
New Consignment/Wholesale Order ~ $75
Art Assoc Earnings ~ $ 115
Farmer Market Sales ~ $275
Special Weekend Market (new one) ~ $75
TOTAL Summer Earnings ~ $540
I am amazed I had such great income over the summer!! A couple of the sources are not necessarily going to repeat next summer. But I guess I am committed to hard work and finding something to take their place!
and naturally, the best part is skipping off to the gem show with about $100 in my pocket.
Watch here for what will be some gorgeous new designs after Sept 7th like these!
Mini chip peridot strands anchored by sparkling onion cut iolite briolette. Sterling posts.
Oh and for those of you that got this far...here's a coupon for BOGO Ben&Jerry's sundae good 8/31/09 only
The 3 Little Affairs-A Frugal Fable
August 31st, 2009 at 06:40 pm