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Building it and it is COMING!

August 3rd, 2009 at 02:52 pm

Should have written this down, but it's such a pervasive goal I couldn't forget it anyway.

Most merchandising profit comes at the winter holiday season, right? Obvious. Happily, I've had the pleasure of my books at least breaking even after the end of the year.

After several years of busting my b*tt breaking even, it would be nice to make a little profit. While staying true to the raison d'etre, 'Great Quality @ Inexpensive Prices'.

Subliminally I knew I wanted to increase sales during 'off season' times of the year. Especially summer.

For the 2nd year, the local citizen group had an art/crafts area at the Farmer's Market. I participated in about 1/2 the available Saturdays last year to get exposure for me and the event. I signed up for 2/3 of the Saturdays this year.

The books aren't done, but it's going fine. I expect to have a small profit. Nothing large, but worth the time and effort.

Don't count me just lucky. Yes, it was fortune that the persons who organized the event knew me and asked me to come in on the ground floor. But I am smart and savvy enough to be out there NETWORKING so that I am known!! Yes, it was a relief that the management charged a fair fee, a percent of sales or a very nominal flat rate so the sellers would not be in the red. But it's hard work to pack/plan/transport and display, make sales, break down/store and do it all again in a week.

OK, count me lucky, because I enjoy it.

Now have a peek at the Spin Necklace!

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