Home > 4/5th Done and Compaq Happy Family

4/5th Done and Compaq Happy Family

June 18th, 2009 at 04:54 pm

The dejunquing of DS11's room went superbly. Asked to take things off shelves that he doesn't want (ie old models, books), he almost CLEANED off shelves.

Moved furniture around slightly, rearranged a few posters on the wall, and freecycled the computer in his room.

A needy sounding family picked it up within hours. No printer. Windows 98 set up, Compaq model. They're happy.

A big sailing ship kite and 5 well kept games went to the Boys & Girls Club.

I feel good for donating and the space looks like new.

Remodel on a rupee. Two new light fixtures, a small bedside shelf and a (thrift store) basket for stuffed animals he still wants came to $100.

I should've took before and after pics, DANG! Submit to a magazine.

Today is the last room to clean and dejunque, DD9. No expenses, just thinnng out of toys. 5th room of the house to do in as many days. I'm pooped.

Thanks for taking a look at something I've always wanted to do, wire wrap stones.

Coin Earrings

Free form bound stone coin earrings include a bali style dangle flower. Artistic, yet casual enough for everyday.

Not yet for sale. Contact me for more detail.

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