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June 5th, 2009 at 11:42 pm

I don't watch nor listen more than an hour or so a day, far less than a typical CNN junkie. But the world problems weigh on me, especially in light of raising two grade school kids and with parents advancing in age. (Hormone changes in life don't help either!!)

Discovering a sweet therapy. It's rewarding, creative, and inexpensive (my specialty!). What is it?

Pointing my camera to happy things, scenes, and otherwise good subjects.

Here is a place I'd like to cast off the cares, not to mention the socks.

Under the Trestles

And you wouldn't believe this is not in 'big sky country', that I'm a city girl.

Grazing Sky Scape

Not to forget the technical side of my brain.

Old Arch Bridge

More photos to lighten up at

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3 Responses to “”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    I saw the first line or two that said "news, CNN, problems" and glimpsed the pic below the posting and instantly thought you were trying to virtually jump off a bridge!

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    News--I know what you mean. I had to quit listening to the radio news or reading it online for a period early in the year. I almost never watch TV news because the images can be so disturbing to me. Keeping up feels like the responsible thing to do, but sometimes it weighs so heavy. Yeah, what will happen to ours kids?

  3. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    OMGosh no jumping off here! except an imaginary dark cloud Big Grin

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