Ups and downs. The story of the week.
The Ups: Made shell earrings and necklaces from supplies at a local sea store and the employee at the time encouraged me to bring in a photo of the work for their bulletin board. I'm happy with the results (see below).
The Downs: Upon returning with a nicely designed half sheet flyer with the pics, my shop website and little tear-off coupons to post on their wall, the employee at THAT time said NO NO NO, they would not advertise for me.
The Ups: Got samples ready, especially, cards, to take to a shop who was relocating and wanted to start dealing more in small, inexpensive items. This is the shop who has 'hosted' me for artwalk for a couple years. They are closing their large, downtown location but letting me set up in front for artwalk anyway next weekend.
The Downs: The shop owner decided not to re-open after all. She is taking a break from retail for the unforeseen future and working in her husband's insurance business for awhile! No future orders for me I guess!
The Ups: After a sale to the camera store lady for an item on my website, she asked me to do 2 repairs for her. Done, and delivered, NO DOWN HERE! This is the customer from heaven
The Ups: The art gallery shop committee meeting discussed 'featuring' active members (which I am one) and I'm scheduled for May! Doesn't really mean a huge amount. I get a little sign in the shop, a bio, and probably a set aside area devoted to all my things! Nothing in the way of media cause we just aren't that sophisticated yet! OK! I'll take it and maybe spread the word to media myself. NO DOWN HERE YET EITHER!
Customer from Heaven
April 18th, 2009 at 10:03 pm
April 19th, 2009 at 12:14 am 1240096458