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Basic Black Outside, Perfect Frugality Inside

April 13th, 2009 at 10:21 pm

Pinch me! Is it true you get what you pay for? Then how did this come about?

The free photo book that came with the new camera I bought a few weeks ago is done! It is a product book of my jewelry and craft work. Some of the photos are less than perfect, because there was not time to retake using the new better camera (and I am NOT a perfect photographer). Still I am very happy and know just which shop to take it to first!


Pages 1,2

Pages 3,4

Pages 5,6

Pages 7,8

Pages 9,10

Page 11

First three pages are about jewelry, then a page about journals, next couple about cards, and the last for bags.

Not to worry about a customer asking for an exact item! It worked out by describing the itemsa as 'Handmade Link Chains (example shown - blah blah blah)' and 'Needlework Cards - Bead, Lace, Special Trim'.

Sooooo, will it pay for itself? It already has! The lady at the photo store bought a necklace and wants me to lengthen another for her.

How do you say 'free lunch'?

4 Responses to “Basic Black Outside, Perfect Frugality Inside”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Wow, the book is great!! Good luck with it. It has already more than done its job! Smile

  2. MICLASON Says:

    W O W !!

    stunning!...and, at my favorite price, too! (free!)

  3. lizajane Says:

    The pictures are taking a long time to load for me, but what I can see looks beautiful. What a great sales tool!

  4. appliedwithlove Says:

    Awesome, Nina! I love it; Great work!! xo

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