Home > Another widget from Google (any volunteers?)

Another widget from Google (any volunteers?)

January 13th, 2009 at 06:23 pm

I maintain a private google group for my mailing list, ie no one can post or see your email address. It is simply for me to send 1ce or 2wc a month offers to fans.

Today I noticed google offers a widget for me to use on my blog for sign ups.

See it there in the lower left sidebar?

Maybe a visitor or two will be interested. I use this blog for more than SA'ers, such as announcements to craft members, features of artists, etc.

I try to make my email offers full of zany trivia, fun facts, and above-all really rock bottom specials and freebies. For example, I had a Gorham crystal sleigh frame to give away with any December order (click on the 'visit' part of the widget to have a look at some of my offers.)

So, once again, Google comes through! Maybe I'm just slow?.....

2 Responses to “Another widget from Google (any volunteers?)”

  1. lizajane Says:

    That's neat! This may be a dumb question, but are you saying your mailing list was originally set up via Etsy, and now you have the ability to use the SAME mailing list on this blog? (I know ebay has newsletter features for stores, but I wasn't sure if Etsy did the same type of thing)

  2. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    Hi lizajane! My email list was always with Google Groups (separate from and off-Etsy). Let me know if you have anymore questions or if you want to click over to the left and be my guinea pig to see if it works to sign up! Thanks!

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