Home > WOWEE ZOWEE Google Analytics!

WOWEE ZOWEE Google Analytics!

January 12th, 2009 at 02:43 pm

The host of my website ( allowed us to connect visits to Google Analytics starting last Friday.

WOW! First off, in the first 24 hours I had something like 29 visits to my site, half of them new visitors and half of those from google search alone. I even can see the search terms used !! Whee!

Folks are using 'cheap jewelry', and more. I am very impressed to be getting so much traffic with so little effort.

And am dumbfounded with surprise how good Google Analytics is, how easy, and how much info they are giving (FREE!).

Now for the million dollar Q!
How can I turn these visits into sales!?

I need a good, short, sweet to the point, consultation with an expert! A tech savvy marketer! Without spending anything or as little as possible.

Am going to contact the Small Biz Development Center (SBDC) here in town in coming days. They have advisors who will meet with you free (I used upon start up a few years ago). At least to see if there is an internet guru over there.

BTW am working very hard getting ready for a very exclusive home show a week from Saturday. It's in a gated community full of high income folks. I'm helping organize the show and suggested that vendors provide free workshops/demonstrations as an attraction (that doesn't cost sellers extra money).

Not only will the demos be fun and educational (who doesn't want to do a little card making or whatnot?), they should bring in some customers.

I volunteered to run a beaded wine glass workshop, and have finally perfected the technique which most beginner types should be able to accomplish. We'll see! It's harder than it looks - here's an example of what I'll be teaching:

Of course, the person will take home the one they make. And if they want a pair, more will be for sale at my table. What would you pay for one? I set the price at $10 ea.

2 Responses to “WOWEE ZOWEE Google Analytics!”

  1. kdmoffett25 Says:

    Those are neat and great for parties to "mark" everyones glasses as well as very unique. I know my husband would love them!

  2. lizajane Says:

    I don't have an opinion one way or another about the wine glass price, but they look pretty neat. If the SBDC doesn't help you, you could do research online or at the library on marketing. I went to a Stores Online presentation awhile back to glean what I could from their talk about search engine optimization, google analytics, google adwords, etc. It was pretty interesting. I did not succumb to their high-pressure sales either. I'm kind of surprised they let me stay all the way through, actually. I've heard at some they ask people to leave that aren't buying.

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