Home > Need Help with Ideas for Family Portrait

Need Help with Ideas for Family Portrait

September 23rd, 2008 at 04:11 pm

The Pretty Cheap Jewelry clan is getting a family portrait taken in October.
What to wear?? Ideas please!

1. Don't want to spend a lot of money (you knew that!)
2. Don't want to be completely matching.
3. I'd like to be formal or at least well dressed if possible.
4. Small copies will be part of my Christmas cards.

There are 4 of us: me, Dad, 10-yr old son, and 8-yo daughter.

1. Hawaiian shirts ?? Not my style really, but Dad already has one, and I can get kid's ones easy at the thrift store.

2. ____fill in here_____

They will be giving us a grey background.

By the way, this whole thing is a great bargain from my kids school. It is part of a fundraiser to the 5th grade camp out week. We get one sitting and a professional 8x10 for $20.

And fits in really perfectly with the family chronicles -- I had a portrait done 5 years ago and was hoping to have one done at milestones such as every 5 or 10 years.


4 Responses to “Need Help with Ideas for Family Portrait”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Jeans, solid white shirt or other color. OR, solid colors for girls, plaid for boys. OR, Khaki pants...same idea with the shirts. OR,Gray, black, white, red would all go great with a gray background.

    Good luck!

  2. MICLASON Says:

    Since your background is grey, there's a lot that could be done...if you don't want matching, you could go the other way and do contrasting colors!

  3. mbkonef Says:

    I had a family photo like this done about 10 years ago. I was able to find long sleeve white shirts for everyone - they did not have to be exactly the same shirt - just white. We all wore the same color pants - denim cause everyone had some but you could go with khaki, grey, black etc. Use whatever everyone has in these basic colors and you end up with a nice look.

  4. sillyoleme Says:

    I was going to say jeans & white shirts as well. That seems to be a popular choice with professional photographers that I've seen... I guess it gives a simple, clean look to the shot. And like others have said, you can have different kinds of white shirts.

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