My kids are finally getting a little too old to thrift shop for clothes.
The 10-yo boy cannot wear thrift jeans anymore. There are few in his size or they are hopelessly torn. With the exception of checking the girl's section because he is a very slim, smaller than average size.
The 8-yo girl is still ok with the thrift but is getting a little more sophisticated and enjoys comparing/selecting new clothes now. I am happy to shop with her as it is time to learn/practice how to navigate the retail world.
Her summer shorts/coulottes (what they now call skorts) wardrobe was pretty worn out as most were from thrifts LAST year. Off we went to Target and Penney's...
Shorts and tops were marked down a little at Target. Shorts ~ $7 and Tanks ~ $4. We took 2 shorts. She noticed the stretchy bra/camisoles aisle and was interested. We discussed/tried on one 'bra' and she decided on one camisole instead ~ $7.
Target total ~ $21.
At Penneys the 'come on' was -buy 1 full price girl item, get one 88cents. The full price items of course were double what they should be ($25 for pants!). Most of the summer things were sale priced at $10 already.
It took lots of comparing and deciding. Three trips to the dressing room later we chose-
1 nice loose capris (price marked $25 but scanned at $5!)
1 leggings $16.99 (too high!)
1 jeans for 88c (since we took the leggings at full price)
1 khaki shorts $10
Penneys total $35
Number items both stores 7
Total spent both stores $60
So about $10 per item. This is not really a good deal imo. But happy to have quality time with little girl, start her learning/looking at retail clothes. She is skipping around in her new duds too
Tried Hard for Good Deals on Kids Clothes
June 22nd, 2008 at 04:06 pm
June 22nd, 2008 at 04:24 pm 1214148262
These days, $10 per item for new clothes is a pretty good deal, IMO.
June 22nd, 2008 at 04:44 pm 1214149449
June 22nd, 2008 at 05:08 pm 1214150908
June 22nd, 2008 at 06:53 pm 1214157239
When we hit that age Mom & a group of friends formed a sort of informal "hand me down" system where things would get passed around ... Reading your post, now I completely understand how smart that was.
Not only did she have a source of constant free "new" clothes, I remember thinking that if a kid I looked up to as cooler & older than me had worn something, it must be okay for me to wear it.
June 22nd, 2008 at 07:23 pm 1214158987
June 22nd, 2008 at 09:38 pm 1214167137
Have tried shopping out of season? you can buy everything for up to 80% off.
June 23rd, 2008 at 12:48 am 1214178505
June 24th, 2008 at 04:01 am 1214276505