Home > Email me for Six Flags 2 for 1 Coupons

Email me for Six Flags 2 for 1 Coupons

April 10th, 2008 at 11:13 pm

I have a stack of coupons for:
Six Flags Magic Mtn (Valencia CA)
Six Flags Discovery (Vallejo CA near SanFran)

I have plenty, if you want some email me to obtain the address where to send me a self addressed stamped envelope. Include in your request how many you want.

The fine print on the coupons:
Six Flags Magic Mtn (Valencia)
Buy One Get One Free Any Day/ Expires 4/30/09
6Flags $29.99/Hurricane Harbor $19.99
Good for up to 9 tickets
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Vallejo, near San Fran)
Everyone pays kid's price/ Expires 12/28/08
$29.99 + 2.5% city fee
Good for up to 6 tix

5 Responses to “Email me for Six Flags 2 for 1 Coupons”


    i would like the 2 for 1 to six flags

  2. Janna Everett Says:

    Hey my name is Janna Everett I am going to six flags on april 27 for my 15th Birthday, I wanted to know if you can send me the coupon in mail a.s.a.p please this will really help my family out

  3. SKC Says:

    can you mail me the Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Vallejo) coupons.
    we'll have 5 people.
    thank you!

  4. Neil Kumar Says:

    can you mail me the Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Vallejo) coupons.
    we'll have 6 people.
    thank you!

  5. ram Says:

    can you send me the coupon in email today.I am going this weekend

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