Home > Not for the Faint of Heart ::999 Dollar Hat

Not for the Faint of Heart ::999 Dollar Hat

July 9th, 2007 at 11:43 pm

A true artisan has made this item as part of a design contest, it's a 'never seen the likes of this before'.

Text is DreamWoven's Masterpiece and Link is
DreamWoven's Masterpiece

Not noted in the description is that it is on display at an art gallery at this time.


2 Responses to “Not for the Faint of Heart ::999 Dollar Hat”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I like it very much and would enjoy seeing someone wearing it, yet I would not wear it regardless of price. Artistically, I think the maker should have skipped the coral beads that wind across the right rear view.

  2. mbkonef Says:

    Good thing art is definitely a matter of individual taste! It is a nice hat but I don't see myself wearing it, even if I was offered $999.00 to wear it. (Well Okay, I would wear it for that amount but I would still feel silly).

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