Home > Toot Tootin my horn! I'm so Excited! (thank you pointer sisters)

Toot Tootin my horn! I'm so Excited! (thank you pointer sisters)

May 14th, 2007 at 05:08 pm

Pretty Cheap Jewelry is coming to Texas!

Many of my beautiful, fun and affordable items will be sold starting in May at Texas Art Spot ( So next time you are on Route 45 south of Dallas, stop in Corsicana (about 50 miles south of Dallas between Dallas and Houston) and have a little fun in the shop.

Thank you Lone Star State!

3 Responses to “Toot Tootin my horn! I'm so Excited! (thank you pointer sisters)”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:


  2. fairy74 Says:

    Good for you! Smile

  3. Lux Living Frugalis Says:

    Congratulations, another milestone!!

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