Home > HELP! If you see this entry, please tell admin I can't log in to the forums

HELP! If you see this entry, please tell admin I can't log in to the forums

March 27th, 2007 at 03:43 pm

For the last few weeks (maybe after the forums were updated?) I can't log in to the forums sporadically.

Yesterday I could log in, today not.

I enter the correct name and password and even get the 'Thank you for logging in...redirecting you' page. But then I am back on the forum page NOT logged in and NOT allowed to make posts, etc.

I can't even put a post in the 'New Forum Bugs' thread HA HA. I see others had this problem in that thread.

So can someone do this for me? Or I will try to log in again later or in another day to get help.

Funny, I get logged into the blogs just fine Smile

3 Responses to “HELP! If you see this entry, please tell admin I can't log in to the forums”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    only thing i can recommend is to NOT use the log on box that is at the top of the forum page. instead. go to the main page and log-in from there, then go to the forums. this is how i log on and the system remembers me this way, but if i log on from the boxes at the top of the forum it doesn't always 'remember' me. try it and let me know if that helps, otherwise i'll post the bug for you...

  2. tinapbeana Says:

    glad to hear it worked! and i got the PM, so that worked, too...

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hehe, Tina beat me to it....

    Nate could probably tell you exactly what this is about, but as far as I can tell, the forum is a separate piece of software, so the login from the forum and the website are not the same... even if they should access the same database.

    This kind of threw me off before as well.

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