Home > Before and After - Front Yard Garden

Before and After - Front Yard Garden

September 21st, 2012 at 05:01 pm

A few months ago we took it out...the grass in our postcard patch front yard. And put in produce. We've had the typical backyard garden for 10+ years (no corn shortage here), and there was nowhere else to expand!

Seriously, putting in a front yard vege garden may be trendy, but it is a logical extension of our personal environmental ethic. A front yard garden:

* makes wise and better use of water, an increasingly scarce resource

* reduces environmental degradation due to transport of commercial produce

* reduces environmental degradation from manufacture and application of commercial farm pesticides and chemicals

* is incredibly healthier for you personally in eating completely fresh and chemical free food

These are just a few of the biggie effects. So here is what it started like:

And here is what it looks like this week:

A rock swale runs up through the middle (to solve a chronic drainage issue on our little lot).

On the right side: green onions, red chili peppers, eggplant (upper right, not shown well)

On the left side: white bulb onions, tomatoes, (head lettuce already picked)

Yes, you can do this too!

2 Responses to “Before and After - Front Yard Garden”

  1. wowitsawonderfullife Says:


  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    It grew up very well.

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