Home > November Craft Show Outcomes

November Craft Show Outcomes

November 24th, 2008 at 04:31 pm

The rush is over for craft shows for me. How were sales?

Spotty but profitable. As usual, started off slow and ended in the black. Not enough black to brag about unfortunately, but black enough to continue the schedule next year.

Stronger sales were seen by tchotchke booths (y'know, little pins and decorations, not my style) as well as a soap maker. Larger value items sold slower, ie quilts, glassware, but enough that seemed all of the vendors made enough to cover their fees.

I have one more nice 2-weekend event in December which is an easy set up/take down and don't have to be there to sell. And one more 1/2 day show in December which is a private club boutique.

And DRAT! These were stored in a box and missed the November shows, but will make it into the December events.

3 Cross Stitch Ornament or Gift Tag Set

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